Chapter 26: The Confession

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"Ross!" I yell in excitement as I open the front door.

"Laura!" Ross yells back with just as much excitement in his voice as I had.

Without hesitation I throw my arms around his neck and pull him as close to me as possible, causing him to stumble back a bit. Ross quickly catches himself and wraps his arms around my waist tightly.

"I've missed you so much." I tell him, my voice muffled against his shirt sleeve.

"I've missed you too. It's been a long couple of weeks." He replies, easily resting his chin on my forehead. I will never get over our drastic height difference.

I never thought it was possible to miss someone so much. Ross was only gone a few weeks but it feels like he's been away for three years.

Ross and I reluctantly pulled away from each other's embrace, "How is it possible that I missed my fake-girlfriend so much? It's almost like you're the love of my life instead of my best friend."

I feel the smile slowly drain from my face. I was just friend-zoned. Hard.

It happened, guys. Over these past few weeks that I've been sitting here alone in my house like a loser, I finally came to terms with the truth about my feelings.

I like Ross more than a friend. I don't want to be fake dating him. I want to be dating him for real.

It only took one meet-up with a Raura shipper, the one and only Courtney Eaton, to make me realize my true feelings.

I was in denial. It also didn't help that Vanessa would tell me that she shipped Raura every time that she saw me.

Finally, at about 3 a.m. one morning it hit me. I liked Ross.

So yeah, basically being friend-zoned by the man himself pretty much just crushed me. I can't let him know that though.

I force myself to try and genuinely smile at him as I respond, "I know right. I've missed you more than I thought was possible."

In that exact moment I realize that we are still standing on the porch out in the California heat with the front door swung open behind me letting out all of the cool air from inside.

I grab Ross' arm and pull him inside without a word. I close the door behind us and I motion Ross to take a seat on the couch.

I didn't realize how weird it would be to see him again after I figured out how I feel about him. It's awkward. I have no idea what to say or how to act. I thought it would be like old times, normal.

This is not normal. Even Ross seems to be at a loss for words.

I take a seat next to him on the couch, leaving obvious distance between us, before deciding to break the silence, "How was the U.S. leg of the tour? Tell me everything."

And just like that, the awkwardness is gone and a huge smile takes over his face, showing his white teeth. He begins to tell me everything that happened on tour. He talked about his cousin Gus being there with them and about the opening acts that joined them. Ross explained every detail and every great moment that he experienced.

The whole time he was talking all I could do was smile. I didn't ask questions or make any comments. I noticed how extremely passionate Ross is about his music. He loves every moment of it; writing and creating the songs, releasing them, seeing the fans' reactions, and getting to share it on tour all over the world.

I guess I've never truly noticed just how much he loves it all. The second he started talking his mood completely changed. His whole face lit up and it's like he becomes a different person when talking about his music. It's a beautiful sight.

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