Chapter 2 - Struggles

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  Hey guys!!! I love you all so much!!! Please tell all your friends about my book!!! Anyways also follow me on instgram (trust_god_forever12). Please enjoy my book guys and also if you haven't checked out my other book it called (Torn up). So please check it out!! Love you all!!!  <3 Izzy

     I get into my apartment and sit down after the long day I have just had. I sat there wondering what would happen tommorow. What if they beat me up or something? I can't let them do that. What do I do? Tell my fans or something? Give them hate? No I shouldn't.....that would be to mean. I sat there for at least 30 minutes thinking until finally I turned on my tv. I decided to watch a show of Jesse because I was bored. So I got on Netflix and put it on and then went to go make myself dinner. (doorbell rings)

"COMING!" , I said as I ran to the door.

"Hey Cher!" , said my friend Sam who had come in with a friend. I didn't know why she brought a friend but anyways.............

"What are you doing here?" , I asked surprised.

"I'm here to invite you to a party!" , she said as her friend gave me a dirty.

"Why?" , I said not knowing why in the world I would want to go to a party. I never went to one of those partys where people or teenagers would get drunk and then play all kinds of games.

"So do you want to come to the party? Please come because you never do! I'll go shopping for a dress with you!!" , She said begging pretty hard. I stood there as her friend gave me dirty looks then finally gave in.

"Fine" , I said tiredly. Just then I went to go into my kitchen to get my food but then Sam pulled me back.

"Also can we stay over?....We kinda did something and our parents got tired of us. I looked at both of them not knowing to let her friend in or not. All of a sudden Nick flew in the door.

"Oh and by the way Nick needs to stay" , she said. What!???? No! Now I don't know what to do!!! What should I do? Don't panic...

"Um... well I guess" , I said unsure to let Nick in or not. They all smiled and....were being nice?

"So what you cooking?" , Nick said as he flew pat me and went into my kitchen.

"Nothing you need to know" , I smirked as I thought I was doing good at being smart. We stood there in silence.

1. Because I would have kicked him out if he said something mean to me.

2. Because he didn't know what to say for once.

3. I don't know people just say three so I guess three.

  He stood there just studying me as I walked over to my food that I was about to add more into because of the people that were here. It was Sams friends and besides I owe her I guess....... She did save my but from getting in trouble with a teacher back about a month ago.

   "What are you doing miss Black?" , Mr. Sli said as he check everyones papers.

"" , I stuttered but then Sam cut in.

"She's checking her work" , Sam said as she was refering to the phone I had out during class. I had really been texting my manager about the tour I was going to have in 4 months. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I whispered a ' thank you' as we finshed our work.

(end of flashback)

I stood there and continued to make the food I was making. I really didn't know what I was making I just chose something random. But I had just then looked into the pot to see spagetti. I sighed in relieve because that could have been something gross. Nick was still examining me like I was meat or something and he wanted to eat me or something like that. Then I snapped....

"Take a picture! It will last longer!" , I said then turned back to cooking. He was still quite and I didn't know why. He then walked out of the kitchen and before he could took out his phone and took a damn picture!!!!

"Asshole" , I mumbled to myself as knowing I couldn't do anything about it.

  (Later that night)

I showed everyone there rooms and then went shower then wipped my makeup off. I then went into my bedroom to see Nicks bag in my room instead of his room I gave him. I shrugged it off and climbed into bed peacefully. Tommorow was Friday thank the Lord! The last day until the weekend.

   Authors note: Hope you guys liked this chapter!!! Also sorry it wasn't that long but anyways!!!! Love you all so much and have a whatever you have specail and if you don't have anything specail then have a great day or something like that.... LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! <3 Izzy

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