Chapter 4 - Explaining

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Hey peoples!!! How yall doin?! Jk.... Anyways hope you guys liked my last chapter and also hope you like this one. Also please read my other book Torn Up!! Its about to end.....which means I am going to have to end the book....sadly....but on the bright side I made it to 35 chapter...well its is going to 35 chapters!! But its on chapter 33 right now. So love you guys!!! <3 Izzy

  I walked out of the store with Sam as we held the bag with my dress in it. I didn't know what to do about the party. I had no friends except for Sam so how was I suppose to fit in with everyone. Will the dress look right? Will I be ok in it? Does it even look right on me? I sat there in the passenger seat thinking about everything when Sam cut my thoughts.

"Hey you ok? You look kinda nervous." , she said as she turned into the gas station for a drink of water. I sat there and thought if I should acually answer that question. I wasn't ok....I was nervous about everything and I wanted not to be. But that was hard.

"Um....Yeah I'm ok....You?" , I said giving a weak smile. She knew something was up and gave me a look that said ' tell me now! ' on her face. 

"Don't worry about the party you'll be fine. I know a lot of people who hardly fit in and they fit in perfectly at the party. Ecspecially during Spin The Bottle." , she said. She just admited that I didn't fit in with everyone. WTF?! I didn't want to cause any trouble with us both so I shrugged it off and got out of the car and entered the gas station. We walk inside to see our math teacher getting some things in here. Damn it! Our fudging luck! He looked at me as Sam walked off to go look at some things. He must have been out for lunch.....

"Why aren't you at school?" , he asked as he filled his big gulp cup up. I had nothing to say! I was now dead! What am I suppose to say?  ' oh nothing just decided to skip school because of bullies '  Was I suppose to tell him that. I didn't say anything until he cut me off.

"Why aren't you at school?" , he asked getting more sturn and serious by the moment. I still had nothing to say. Then Sam caught up to me and saw our math teacher. Oh and by the way his name is Mr. Smith . I stood there looking away from my teacher and looking at Sam who was speechless and standing there in shock. Then he asked again this time with more anger in him.

"Why aren't you guys at school?"  I looked at Sam and she just stared then finally said something.

"We sick this morning....because I stayed the night at Cher's.....and well I got her sick and so this morning we were sick...and well we stayed home then we came out to get some medicine and some stuff to make us feel better." , Sam stuttered as Mr. Smith looked at us with a more stern face. 

"Well where's the medicine?' , he said starting to get on to us. Damn! Damn! Damn! 

"We are still looking for medicine and we decided to get drinks to because we were thirsty and we wanted soda" , I finally said as he gave us wierd looks. He looked at us for a second then finally spoke.

"Well you girls should get home so you can get better then!" , he said getting a lot more cheerful. We both nodded as we went to go find our ' medicine ' as he walked to the cashier to pay for his stuff. He gave us wierd looks once in a while like he knew we were lieing. I hated lieing but in this case I had too. He finally left and we went to pay for our stuff. We walked outside to see him leaning against his car looking at us with only drinks in our hands. DAMN. DAMN. DAMN!!!!! How were we suppose to explain now?!! He nodded in shame of how we lied to him but I quickly spoke up.

"We couldn't find anything here so were gonna just go home and try to get better by making soup or something" , I said without hesitation. He just stood there and looked at us as we were scared if he would catch us. Then after a few minutes of an awkward silence he finally spoke up.

"You guys aren't lieing...... Are you?' , he asked us and we hesitated to answer him. We had no idea what to say now. Should we just lie again. Sam wasn't afraid to lie so she spoke right up.

"No why would we lie about being sick?' , she said as she started to walk to our car. OH....And look its right by his car! GREAT! JUST DAMN GREAT!! He looked at us as we walked to the car then just shrugged it off and went into his car. We also shrugged it off and drove home.

  We got to the penthouse and sat down at the diningroom table. We both just sat there then she ended up laughing.

"Thats was so funny! He believed everything we said!" , she said chuckling. I sat there in silience then finally had a question.

"When are your friends leaving?" 

"Well they might leave tommorow if thats ok with you?"

"Yeah the soon they leave the better" , I said then looked at the ground.

"Well the party is in 5 days so are you ready for it?"

"Not really...What if they just keep bulling me?" , I asked as I still looked down at the ground.

"You'll be fine trust me....People will still be to drunk or wasted for that" , she said as she took a sip of her drink. I thought about it for a second. Then I had a little bit of hope still left in me. Maybe I would be ok....besides I have Sam to look after me. I should have some fun for once in my life. So I'm going to play Spin The Bottle and I'm going to dance and let go of my stress. So in five days I'm going to go crazy.

Authors note: Hey! Did you guys like this chapter? It was pretty long right? Well I love you guys and hope you guys liked this chapter!! I'm on spring break so I will be updating earlier than usaul. I have a two week break so I will be updating more often!!! Love you guys!!   <3 Izzy

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