Chapter 8 - Spin the bottle!

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Hey guys!! How are yall mofo's!? I'm doin great and this chapter is going to be great as well! I hope you all love this chapter and whats goin to happen! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy........ <3 Izzy

Cher's P.O.V.

I run to go find Sam but when I did she was drunk.....already! Damn....why did I have to come to this party!? I now have stopped running and everyone was in a circle to play spin the bottle. Should I play? Will people like me if I do? Or is it just a bad idea? Should I just go YOLO? Who the hell knows!!! All these questions are running through my mind and then come to a stop when I see Nick running towards me. He then stopped running when he noticed I was just standing there and he started walking over to me. 

"Why did you run off?" , he asked as he made his way closer to me. I didn't wanna talk to him. What was wrong with him? Is this some sorda game?! What in the world is he trying to do?! Is he trying to make me like him then embarrass me and say he was kidding the whole time? I had nothing to say to him. He was a jerk and always will be.

"Well...." , he said waiting for an answer. I still didn't answer him. I had nothing to say to him except that he was a jerk. Then thank god Sam came over. She smiled then looked at me and Nick like we were crazy.

"Hey...wait whats up with you guys?" , Sam said then looked over to me and smiled.

"What?" , I said not knowing what to do in this situation.

"Do you wanna go play spin the bottle?

"Um...not really" , I said then kinda backed away.

"Yes you are weather you like it or not" , she said and pulled me to the circle. FLACKING GREAT! What am I going to do now? I don't usually do party's and I don't like to cause drama and I'm definitly not the girl who would kiss there bullies. Now I had a whole group of people staring at me. But instead of being rude they were more like rude compliments.

"She looks so pretty...but she's still stupid"  , one girl said. I then saw Nick sit word

GREAT!   My bad two words....

FLACKING GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sam was pretty drunk and was jumping up and down waiting for the game to start. Then it finally started with Sam. She spun the bottle and it landed on on a guy next to Nick. She gave a smirk and then she quickly out of nowhere slammed her lips onto the guys lips and I think they took it to far because his hand ended up pulling her shirt up as everyone was cheering but luckily they stopped and didn't go to far. Then that guy spun the bottle and it landed on one girl and they kissed. Then the girl spun the bottle and it landed on the guy beside me. Then they kissed and he spun the bottle and it landed on a guy. Oh wow hopefully when a girl spins the bottle it doesn't land on me. Then it came to one guy. I had to admit he wasn't bad looking. Then the bottle started to spin. Oh and guess who it landed on?!


"Oh she's hot" , he said and made his way over to me. Now what am I gonna do? He then leaned in to kiss me.

"Make this kiss good" , he said then kissed me. I didn't wanna kiss back. Also he was kissing terribly. His tongue was trying to get into my mouth by force. He then got his tongue in my mouth and it was now choking me. It was like he wanted to shove it down my throat. My eyes are wide open why his were closed. I didn't even know his name! Curse you Sam! You had to pull me inot this game! I then pulled out of the kiss and wipped the spit off of my lips that he had created. I slowly walked a little off. Why everyone was telling me where I was going. I needed water and there was none left. I then sat back i the circle in disgust. Everyone had moved the game on as I sat down so I didn't need to spin the bottle.

Then Nick was spinning it. Well he then stopped it....... ON FLACKING ME!!!!!!!!!! UGH! 

He then got up and made his way over to me. Now I was gonna get kissed by a jerk! He then leaned in and kissed me passionalty. I could taste the minty fresh gum he had in his mouth. I can't believe I'm saying this but I liked the kiss a lot. His togue asked for permission into my mouth and I gladly excepted it in. Whats wrong with me!? Am I suppose to just go with it and just keep kissing him. He then backed away and stood there looking into my brown eyes as I looked into his green orbs. He gave me a smile and I blushed. There were now some rude comments in the back ground but I ignored them. He did too because they were some people now hating him.

"I lo..." , he was about to say but then I pulled out of the croud. I turn around to see Sam pulling me out of the croud. She looked kinda happy and excited at the same time.

"So how was the kiss?" , she said sitting in a chair across from me as I did the same except acroos from her. I looked into the croud to see Nick looking around for me. I then was handed a drink and well it was water so I gladly drank it. It felt good as it hit my throat. The cool way it hit my throat felt good. 

"Which one?" , I asked using it as a stall.

"The one with Nick of course , we all could tell that Romans was terrible" , So the guys name was Roman. 

"You should have saw the way your face looked when Roman kissed you it was priceless" , she said then went back into the kiss subject.

"So how was the kiss?" 

"Good" , was all I could simply say. Was I suppose to make a big deal of it and be all like ' oh it was the best kiss I have ever had! ' ? It was a pretty good kiss though.

"Good? I bet there is more to that...." , she said then got up and left to go back into the circle. Then I saw Nick still looking for me. He was just being nice all of a sudden so people hate him for being nice to me. Is this really a joke? I then got up and decided to go for a walk. Then out of nowhere some guy walked up to me and then began to pick me up and then threw me to the ground. I had to admit it hurt badly. He then kicked my stomach and that made me whimper. I then look up to see Roman laughing at me as he did this. I have never been hurt like this before. It was usually just my feelings they hurt not physically hurt me. He then kept kicking me that I swear my stomach is purple now because of bruises. He then instead of kicking me started to cuss under his breath.

"Your a stupid dumbass!" , he yelled at me. I was about to stand up when he came falling to the ground next to me. I then saw Nick beating his ass as he now was whimpering like a girl. I then tried to get up but couldn't. My stomach was hurt to badly. 

"You idoit! Why would you hurt her!?" , Nick was standing up for me?  Now something is up! I then tried to get up again but I couldn't. I then was held by a pair of arms that were carrying me bridal style as I then pasted out in Nicks arms.

Authors note: Hey guys!!! Did you like the chapter?! Please say you did!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Follow me on instagram! <3 Izzy

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