Chapter 28 - Harry's house

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Hey guys!!!! Are you liking this book so far? I hope you are!! ENJOY! <3 Izzy

Harry's P.O.V.

I was sleeping then I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I get up angry. Then when I get to the door I'm ready to yell at whoever was at the door. 

"What the f-" , I said but then I saw Cher. She stepped back a bit.

"Sorry I didn't know it was you Cher" , I said then hugged her. I kinda have been having a crush on her ever since Zayn started dating her. I hate everytime that one of my mates date a girl I have a crush on them. 

"Um is it ok if I stay over?" , she asked. I gave her a questioning look. She then broke down crying. I picked her up and carried her to my room. Then I layed her down on my bed. Then I heard the other doorbell ring. I tell Cher I'll be right back and went to the door. I open it to see Zayn standing there with an angry look on his face.

"Whats wrong with you?" , I asked annoyed because of the doorbell. 

"Did you not hear what happened?" , he asked.

"No I just woke up and Cher came over." , I said and he ran passed me and into my room. Wtf is going on?! I walk into my room seeing Zayn all over Cher. She looks kinda mad but sad at the same time.

"What happened?" , I asked. 

"Nick cheated on her", Zayn said. Now I was angry. I went to Cher and without thinking kissed her on the cheek. Then I put on a jacket. I turned on the news to see what happened. 

Reporter: Singer and songwriter Cher Black has been cheated on. Her boyfriend or should I say ex boyfriend Nick cheated on her with a ex girlfriend of his. Cher ran out taking her car and running off to one of her friends house. Some reporters say it was Harry Styles house. Then some say it was Zayn Maliks. But thats what happen to Cher. All of her fans are apparently angry at Nick. But lets see what he has to say. 

They then showed a camera with Nick on it.

Nick: I didn't mean to do that. My ex is the one who kissed me. I was to tempted and let her. I hated doing that though.

That was a flacking lie. I then ran out of the house took my car and drove to Cher's house. I must have been speeding because I was there in the matter of 2 minutes. I instead of knocking on the door bust through it and find the startled Nick on the couch with a girl. I then run into him throwing punches. The girl deserved punches to. I then was pinned down to the ground after I got and looked at his already bruised face. He punched me but me being the stronger one I pushed him off of me and pinned him down. He was struggling to get out of my grip. I then slapped him. 

"You don't deserve Cher. You keep cheating on her. Like you did last time when we were at the mall."

"I'm drunk." , he said.

"Thats your excuse! Well I'm not letting you date Cher anymore!" , I said and hen got off of him. The girl then came at me. But I slapped her. She fell back as Nick caught her. I then ran out of the house and got in the car. Nick and that girl were following me. I saw him get into his car. I hads to make sure he stayed away from Cher. Time to drive somewhere other than my house.........

Cher's P.O.V.

Zayn was comforting me as I laid in his arms. I can't believe Nick would do this to me. 

"I love you Cher" , Zayn said. I didn't really have feelings for Zayn anymore. 

"I love you too Zayn" , I said. I was meaning a friendly love....but I don't know what he was meaning. I kinda came to Harry's house because I liked him. He was nice and sweet. Also he stands up for me. I then heard the doorbell ring. AGAIN! I then felt Zayn get up and go to the door. After hearing voices from the livingroom. I saw three boys walk in. It was Niall , Louis and Liam. They gave me a week smile. I gave them one back. I then laid back. They all came to me and kissed my cheek. They are all so sweet. I then heard the door open in the livingroom. I saw Nick enter the room.

"Oh look! My bully is back!" ,I said. I then saw Harry come in the room. He gave Nick the evil eye. All the boys looked at me then at Nick. Nick had a sorry look on his face. But screw him! All the boys then charged at Nick.  I then heard running and as soon as you know it a girl was in the room and hit me hard I pasted out.

Authors note: Hope you liked it guys!! <3 Izzy

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