Chapter 1 - The cruel school

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Hope you guys enjoy this story!! Check out my other story please (Torn up). Please vote!!! And also leave comments on what you think you want to happen! Love you guys!!!  <3 Izzy

  I sat there at the table alone with no one to sit with or no one to talk to. I was givin dirty looks and made fun of all the time. The only person who was my friend was Sam. A girl I have known since 1st grade and she has been my friend ever since. I was pretty talented too. I liveed by myself in a pent house because I was rich. My mom and I make albums and my dad owned a mall. So I was also pretty famous. My fans are pretty much my friends. My parents would tell me that everyone is making fun of me because their jealous. I would just smile and try to be happy about it. There was one guy who made my life hell though.....His name is Nick. He would try his best to make me feel like crap and try everything to make me cry. I also was pretty smart and heard I was pretty but I was to nerdy and geeky for everyone to like me.

"Hey" , Sam said sitting by me smiling. I gave her a weak smile back. Sam is the one who had most of the friends and was popular but not a mean person like all the other little popular people. I know I was a singer and you think I would brag about it but no because I'm just like everyone else. I'm a human being! Just like everyone else.

"Hey" , I finally said as her other friends came to sit down next to her. They all gave me dirty looks why they were at it. Then the one person I definitly didn't want over here came over to our table.........Nick. Great! He was coming over here totally just what I wanted to get bullied! (note sarcasm) I sat there quite as he sat down smiling like a idiot as usual. 

"Oh look who has no one to talk to", he said smiling at me.

"I know right" , some girl said in the back ground. Sam didn't wanna say anything because they would say something to her. When I was done dealing with them I got up but then Nick put his foot in the way and I tripped with my food in my hands and now had food all in my hair and clothes. Luckly I came to school prepared. I had clothes and dry shampoo with me along with a brush. I ran through all the laughing people to the bathroom and quickly looked at myself with mustard and ketchup in my hair and clothes. Yeah we had hotdogs. I grabbed a paper towel and wipped myself and changed. I walked out of the bathroom where people were still laughing at me. Then the bell rang. Just on time...... I went to my 5th hour which was Art. I went to my locker to put my bag in my locker. I went into class and sat down. Nick was in this class so I was doomed! I just sat there then the final bell rang and everyone got seated as the teacher came up to the board and told us what to do. Someone tapped my shoulder and handed me a note. It was from Nick. It said:

Dear Cher, 

You are a worthless peice of crap and no one likes you.

You can't sing and you don't deserve to have friends

Love, Nick.

   I sat there trying to hold tears back. What people say these days really hurt. As I sat there a tear rolled down my cheek and as soon as you know it the class is laughing at me why the teacher is looking at me worriedly. She gave all the other students death looks then pointed me to the door. Looks like she wanted to talk to me........    

"What was that?", she asked asked as we headed for the door.

"Nothing Ms. Curel" , I said lying. She snatched the note from my hand. This is the teacher who cared about me and other people. She was my favorite out of them all. She was reading the note and then looked angrily at the door and practically ran into the classroom and as soon as you know it she has Nick coming out the door to face me. I didn't realize it but he was pretty cute considering he was a complete ass. I stood there not knowing what to do. He stood there and stared at me kinda shameful. Why did he look shameful? Was he trying to make an impression on Ms. Curel or really look like that. I stood there thinking about it for a second then back away from him. He smirks and chuckles but stops when Ms. Curel looked at him. 

"What is this Nick?!" , Ms.Curel said angrily and stood there like she wanted to hit him. Nick looked at her and back at the paper. All he did was laugh......... the teacher got mad and didn't want to deal with him so sent him to the principals office. 

(later that day)

   I come home to see my parents smiling at me. I stood there with a weak smile on my face. 

"Your going to make a new music video today!! Are you ready?" , my mom said as she approached me and smiled. I smiled back and nodded. I go up the stairs and realize that my parents are in my pent house.

"Um.... How did you get in?.....not that I care but... just asking" , I said hesitantly. They smiled and held up the key I had givin them. I thought they lost that but who cares. I shrugged it of and went to go change to get to the studio. I take a shower and put on some sweats and a hoodie and wore no makeup because the makeup artist was gonna do my makeup and then they would get me dressed so no point of dressing fancy and wearing makeup. I grabbed my keys and my parents hopped in the car with me as I drove off.

  We make it to the studio where the makeup artists and the clothes designers come and give me the clothes to wear for the music video. I put on the clothes then they do my makeup. I get to the green screem and they tell me moves to make in my dance for the scenes and the clips. I got on and they started the cameras and the music as I lipsinked the words to my song. Thats what made my day happy. When I sing and make music videos it gets my mind off all the things going on in my life and thats what I love about it and its the only time I get to have fun.

  Authors note: Hope you guys like this story so far! I love you all bunches!! Please vote and comment and follow me on instagram (trust_god_forever12) Also check me out on youtube!!!  Just type in Isabella Wilds!!!! Please tell me what you guys think of the story!!!  <3 Izzy

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