Chapter 15 - Living with each other..... I might die.

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Hey guys!!!! What's up??! Hope you guys are having a good day!!! I am having an ok day. But that doesn't matter! I hope you guys like this chapter!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! <3 Izzy

Cher's P.O.V.

I hope he doesn't leave me. What if we break up? Then he would leave me! I would have to go to school everyday being bullied by the other people. He won't be there if that happens. 

"I'm not ever breaking up with you....if I can't leave you" , he said. That made me smile. He was never gonna crush on anyone but me....I was his one and only. 

"I'm not ever breaking up with you either" , I said and kissed his cheek. He smiled at me then when the doctor came in he hugged me and sat outside in the waiting room. 

"Hello Miss. Black", the doctor said. 

"Hi", I replied. 

"Well you don't have anything major....except that your um...."

"I'm what?" , I asked.

"Your um...thats not possible" , The doctor said.

"What?!" , I asked freaking out now.

"That gun shot kinda had um.... a poison outside." , the doctor said.  

"So whats gonna happen to me?" , I asked now getting scared.

"You might die" , the doctor said. Now I felt a tear drop from my eyes. How could there be poison on a bullet? How did Roman put poison on the bullet? Did he just pour it on it...or on every single one. I then looked to my right to see Stella. She doesn't have the poison...but I do. I then saw she had a cast on and she was talking to Nick. She then tried to lean in to kiss him. He backed up a little. Then Stella looked at me. She smirked and then kissed him anyway. Nick didn't kiss back though I could see it.  He then started to try and pull back but she wouldn't let him. He then ended up pushing her off of him. She fell on her arm and screamed in pain. Nick then said sorry but then came in quickly to see I was crying. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't kiss back.." , he said but I cut him off.

"I know Nick. I believe you....Its just that" , I started but couldn't finish. How was I gonna tell him I might die. I MIGHT! So I may or may not die. 

"What?" , he asked now coming more close to me.

"I-I might" , I said but still couldn't continue. I can't tell him. He might be mad at me. He might say 

' oh so your leaving me now! '

What if he does say that? What am I gonna do?

"What is it Cher tell me!?" , he said starting to tear up.

"I might die" , I said. He looked at me as a tear came streaming down his face. He now broke down crying on my lap.

"I'm sorry"  , I said now regretting what I told him. He then lifted his head and cupped my face with his hands.

"Don't you dare think this is your fault! I love you! You won't die I promise!" , he said and kissed me. It was a slow and passionate kiss.  He then broke the kiss but instead of getting up and got on the hospital bed with me.

"Not as comfy" , he joked. I laughed a little but then he cut me off with another kiss. This one was more deeper though. 

Nick's P.O.V.

I am going to kiss her as much as I can. Because if she does die then I have nothing to do in life. I might as well kill myself. She is my everything and I won't loose her. I do I will kill myself.......and that is a promise. I will kiss her until someone kills me. I will not break it. I will hold her in my arms forever. 

"We can live together" , I said and then kissed her neck. Yes there was a window for people to see but I don't care. 

"The bullet had poison in it" , she said then added

"I would love to live with you" , I then kissed her again. She kissed back then broke the kiss but I pulleed her back in.

"Nick we can't just keep kissing" , she said as she broke the kiss.

"Why am I getting ugly?' , I joked. She chuckled.

"Your the hottest guy! You are never ugly to me" , she replied.

"I love you so much", I said then added

"What if you die? Your my everything Cher you can't die...Please don't die" , I said now with tears streaming down my face.

"Don't think like that Nick...think possitive"   , She was right. I should think possitive.

"Its all my fault" , I said but she lifted my chin so I would be able to see her face. 

"No don't you ever blame it on yourself if I die." , she said then kissed my nose. 

"But if I didn't let Stella in Roman never would have came in" , I said but she prevented me from saying anything else and kissed me. I kissed back wanting her to be ok. Wanting this kiss to heal her. I then stopped the kiss and put my hands around her stomach and then pulling her so close that there was nothing that could fit between us. Not even an atom. ( A/N I don't know about an atom...but YOLO)   I then kissed her again but then the docor came in.

"You guys can leave now" , the doctor said. I then had to start the quest to moving my stuff in her house.

"We can live in my house" , she said then I helped her get up. 

Authors note: Hey guys!!! Hope you liked this chapter! Because if you don't then....I don't know how I am going to do the next chapter. Anyways guys I'm just joking. Love you guys!!! <3 Izzy

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