The Ford Angela

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3 days had passed since Dobby had warned y/n, and since then, she couldn't help but imagine what terrible things could be waiting to unfold. If a random house elf risked his life to sneak away and warn her about the dangers at Hogwarts, there must be something to be worried about. She contemplated the idea of Voldemort once again finding his way into the school and causing havoc, but after last year, he was badly hurt and was left very weak. Someone as smart as him wouldn't risk it.

Dobby's warning obviously wasn't strange enough though, the most peculiar. things kept in happening. y/n would just be wandering around the manor, turn a corner, and find herself face to face with a snake. The first few encounters shocked her, to say the least, but after the 4 snake, she realised that the snakes wouldn't hurt her. She would just guide them out of the house into the garden with a rat the Nimbus had left lying around, and they would go on their way, quite happily with a full stomach. She actually grew to enjoy their presence, found them a comforting sight even. y/n would even purposefully gander around the house, hoping to bump into another oddly friendly serpent.

There were three days left until school started up again. Normally, y/n would have been excited to return to Hogwarts, but with Dobby's warning lingering in her mind, she wasn't at all looking forward to it. y/n was sat up in bed, reading yet another book, when she felt something glide against her leg. She immediately flung off the covers and was greeted with 2 bright yellow eyes, belonging to that of a dark blue snake. For a moment, the two just stared at each other, the snake occasionally flicking out its forked tongue to smell the air of y/n's bedroom. y/n pulled her legs up to her chest, protecting her body in case this snake wasn't as friendly as the others. However, snakes never would go up to a human willingly, they're too scared, so why had this one come so close.

"Well, this is a surprise," she thought out loud. Surprisingly the snake winked one of its golden eyes at her. y/n was stunned, and gawked at the snake, did it understand her?

A million thoughts raced through her head. If the snake understood her, could she ask it to leave? It wasn't really the most comforting thing knowing that there was a snake sleeping with you that could kill you at any moment.

"Sorry, I don't wish to be rude," she began, "but if you didn't mind, could you get out of my bed? There's a family of mice in the downstairs bathroom that I think would make a nice midnight snack." y/n felt extremely silly for trying to converse with the snake, but in reply, the snake hung its head apologetically and nodded. NODDED. So it did understand her after all!

The serpent slid down the side of the bed and onto the floor, the rest of its body falling with it. As it was about to slither out of the door, it turned its head and bowed to y/n. It then left the room, silently, and left no trace of it ever being there. y/n only looked at the door in shock. Was it a magical snake? Did it come from the woods? And how in the world was it able to understand her? y/n didn't feel like reading, so she marked her page and turned out the lights. She snuggled down into her blankets, and soon her eyes became heavy and shut close, plunging her mind into darkness.


y/n was dreaming that she was locked up in a zoo cage, in a reptile house. She looked down at her long scaly body and found that she was a snake. Wow, how predictable Dream. She tried to slither away from the window, into a corner and away from the window. behind it, there were loud people, flashing cameras at her and not giving her any peace. "Stop it...leave me alone...I'm trying to sleep" y/n muttered. She opened her eyes to the sound of a low engine rumble, her first thought was a tractor, but after checking her clock, she found that it was only 2 in the morning. Still too early for any farmers to be passing by.

y/n tried to cover her ears with her pillow but it wasn't enough to block out the harsh light that flooded her room. The rumbling grew louder and more and more annoying. y/n was forced to get out of bed and look out the window so she knew what to direct her anger towards. But she jumped at the sight before her after opening the curtains. Three tall freckle-faces, red-haired, boys in a flying turquoise Ford Angela None other than Fred, George, and Ron Weasley, grinning at her.

A Broken Slytherin : Serpent Secrets (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now