The Chamber of Secrets

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y/n screamed at the top of lungs as she hurtled down a long slide-like pipe which was covered in moss and dirt, no doubt centuries old. She began to see a dim, blue light at the end of the tunnel, and without warning, flew out of the tunnel and landed with a thud in a dirty clearing. She quickly got up and brushed herself off. Her black school robes were torn at the bottom and covered in dirt from her ride down.

"Well that was... dramatic," she voiced, looking back up the tunnel from which she came.

Harry and Ron had their wands trained on Lockhart again so she needn't worry about him. She took the time to observe her surroundings. Lockhart was right, it really was filthy. Small skeletons littered the floor and crunched under her feet, making her cringe in disgust. The walls were built with big, black stone bricks covered with grime and filth from years of neglect, and the whole room was damp, water dripping from the ceiling in various places, A tunnel led out of the small room, y/n could see more light ahead.

"Now remember: Any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away," Harry said, his tone was serious and had an affliction of fear hidden within.

He began to walk cautiously through the tunnel, his wand at the ready. y/n followed close behind him and Ron didn't take his eyes off Lockhart as he took the flank. They took many twists and turns through the dark maze, following the path of most light in it. y/n took note of their turns. Right, right, left, straight, left, left, right straight... she played this over in her head so she could remember it later when they needed to get out. If the Basilisk hadn't killed them already, that is.

Eventually, they entered another room, except this one was huge in size and looked to be more like a cave than a room. Trailing throughout the cave was what seemed to be, a piece of fabric.

"What's that?!" Ron asked incredulously.

"It looks like a... snake!" Lockhart muttered, his eye wide in fear.

y/n stepped closer to examine it more. It certainly wasn't alive, but the shape was that of a snake.

"It's a snake skin," she answered trailing her hand along the shell of the serpent.

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed, "What ever shed that must be 16 feet long, or more!"

At this, Lockhart's eyes fluttered and he fainted. He fell to the ground, unconscious. y/n rolled her eyes and Ron scoffed.

"Heart of a lion, this one,"

And as soon as they had let their guard down, Lockhart jumped back to life and snatched the wand out of Ron's hand. The three students took a step back, y/n immediately reached into her robes to grab her wand but Lockhart saw and trained his wand on her.

"Not so fast, Missy," Lockhart warned. y/n glared at the cowardly man and held up her hands, without a wand in either of them. His breathing was quick and shallow. "The adventure ends here. But don't fret, the world will know our story," he pointed the wand between the trio, "How I was too late to save the girl. How you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body,"

Ron, Harry and y/n looked at each other, trying to come up with an escape plan, but it seemed like there wasn't enough time. 

"So," Lockhart continued, he pointed his wand straight at Harry, "You first Mr. Potter, say goodbye to your memories. Obliviate!!" Lockhart shouted and flourished his wand, but instead of the spell hitting Harry's head, it came flying out the other end and hit Lockhart sending him flying into the stone wall.

The whole room began to shake as if an earthquake was starting. Then, all of a sudden, the ceiling of the cave came crashing down. Harry only just pulled y/n out of harm's way, dragging her back causing them both to fall on the hard ground. Large boulders barely missed them as Harry shielded y/n's head with his arm. The landslide had picked up massive clouds of dust, filling y/n's lungs when she breathed in. She coughed and spluttered as she got up.

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