The Return of the Petrified

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Lucius Malfoy stood there, glaring at the room which he had entered. Cowering under his arm was none other than Dobby, wrapped in bandages and covered in bruises.

"Good evening, Lucius," Dumbledore greeted pleasantly.

Mr Malfoy stalked into the room, with Dobby following close behind. The air seemed to stale in the wizard's furious presence.

"Dobby?" Harry said when his eyes found the frail house elf, "So this is your master. The family you serve is the Malfoys!"

Lucius ignored the boy and proceeded to march up to Dumbledore's desk. Then, he finally noticed y/n and her bloodied uniform and dirty face. He looked her up and down before speaking.

"Miss l/n," he said curtly with a nod.

"Mr Malfoy," she responded with as much formality as he.

Lucius just pushed Harry out of the way with his cane, "Out of my way, Potter," He spat. "So, it's true, you have returned," he said staring down at Dumbledore who didn't show any sign of being intimidated. He smiled serenely.

"When the governors learned that the Weasley's daughter was taken into the Chamber, the saw it fit to summon me back," Dumbledore explained calmly, "Curiously, Lucius, several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place,"

"How dare you," Lucius spat, growing even paler, his eyes were still full of fury though. "My sole concern has always been and remains to be the welfare of this school," he turned to the two onlooking students, "and of course, its students. The culprit has been identified, I presume?"

"Oh yes," Dumbledore nodded quietly.


Dumbledore glanced over to Harry and y/n, standing with Dobby to the side. They both made eye contact with their headmaster, a reassuring look plastered on his face. He then returned his attention back to Lucius.

"Voldemort," he said clearly and confidently. y/n could have sworn there was a small smirk growing on the old man's lips.

Lucius flinched slightly at the mention of the name, stiffening slightly.

"Only, this time, he decided to act through another by means-" Dumbledore held up Tom RIddle's destroyed diary, the puncture wound in which y/n had plunged the basilisk fang into the leather binding leaving a gaping hole, almost like a wound, "-of this,"

"I see..." Lucius said, almost dumbstruck just by seeing the book.

"Fortunately, our young Mr Potter and Miss l/n discovered it. One hopes that no more of Voldemort's old school things should find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible would be... severe," Dumbledore said quietly, not breaking his eyes away from the blonde man before him.

"Well," Lucius began, his voice low and full of fury still, "let us hope that Mr Potter and Miss l/n, will always be around to save the day," his words were slow and gruff, and his eyes were burning holes in y/n's confidence. But Harry's bravery never wavered.

"Don't worry, we will be," Harry's voice was even and brave, he was always brave when y/n couldn't be.

Lucius was shocked by the young boy's comeback and stared down at him in surprise. He then quickly turned back to Dumbledore.

"I'll be taking my leave now," Lucius said flatly.

"Yes, I believe that's for the best," Dumbledore replied. Lucius turned and glared at Harry, but when his eyes met y/n's they softened slightly, only slightly, they still held a cold and hard front.

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