The Breaking Point

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Today was the Ravenclaw versus Slytherin match that y/n had been training for weeks for. School had gone back a week or two ago and Flint had them up at the crack of dawn to practice their plays and formations. She woke up early and twisted her hair into two dutch braids before throwing on her Quidditch jumper, pants and boots. The robes she could put on after breakfast along with her guards, and goggles.

y/n met Draco down in the common room and walked with him to the Great Hall where they sat with the rest of the Quidditch team. Peregrine was looking at y/n and Draco with a smirk on his face, and every now and then y/n would catch him. But he would never say why he was staring and would just shake his head smiling and return to his porridge.

Once the team had mostly finished their food, Professor Snape came down from the teacher's table and told them that if they couldn't beat Ravenclaw then they had no hope for the cup. Determined to show up Snape, Flint gave the team a quick pep talk before they all collected the rest of their kits from their dorms and marched down the pitch.

The time before the game was like any other. Peregrine and y/n practised hitting a mock bludger to each other, warming up their muscles and scoping out the other team. y/n decided that the Chasers were going to be quick as they were rather small and that the Beaters didn't have enough muscle on them to do much damage. Their keeper was an extremely tall seventh year who looked like a skilled player and the Seeker was a thin girl who seemed way too girly for Quidditch.

After the teams had flown out onto the pitch and taken their positions, Madam Hooch came out and did her whole speech about a fair game, blah blah. The bludgers were set free and zoomed erratically around the pitch before the Snitch darted off out of sight. Then, the Quaffle was released and the game started.

It was slow for the first ten minutes or so but extremely funny for y/n. All she would have to do was stare a Ravenclaw player in the eye for them to go flying off in the opposite direction. This made it very easy for Flint or one of the other Chasers to steal the Quaffle and score. The spectators, however, weren't very scared nor friendly.

They caught onto y/n's little trick and then anytime y/n's bat made contact with a bludger and she hit it towards one of the Ravenclaw players, a chorus of boos could be heard from the stands. y/n had tried to ignore them but one time, when she was very close to the edge of the field and near the stands holding the students, she heard a Ravenclaw boy jeer behind her.

"Get out of the air, Serpent-tongue!" he shouted, earning some cheers of encouragement and other insults from his friends. Since y/n could put a voice to a face, she was able to turn around mid-air and glare at the boy.

"Say that one more time, I dare you!" She growled loudly, raising her bat threateningly at the boy. This earned the attention of most of the crowd and Madam Hooch.

"l/n! You're not playing against the spectators! Back on the pitch, now!" Madam Hooch ordered. The Ravenclaw boy smirked at y/n, who rolled her eyes and told herself to calm down before returning to the play.

The game continued and Slytherin was leading Ravenclaw by twenty points. Neither one of the Seekers had spotted the Snitch and so the game was being dominated by the Chasers.

Draco flew over to y/n who was watching out for any dangerous Bludgers and said, "Don't listen to them y/n, they're trying to put you off,"

"I'm not, now go get that Snitch, Malfoy!" y/n encouraged patting Draco on the back before he flew off scanning the pitch for a glimpse of gold.

y/n had just blocked a bludger from hitting Flint on his dash to the posts when she found herself near the same Ravenclaw stand as before.

"Oi! Serpent-tongue! Do us all a favour and fall off your broom!" The boy shouted. Once again, his friends cheered him on and repeated their insults. y/n was about to jump off her broom and punch him in the face when she heard a bludger coming up behind her. She smirked as she raised her bat, and when the bludger was about to hit her, she whacked it with all her strength to the Ravenclaw boy.

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