The Rogue Bludger

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Quick a/n: I only just realised that this chapter has the same title as the one from the books but I can't think of another title so whoops.

y/n pulled her arm back and swung the bat with all the strength she had, sending one of the Bludgers directly in the path of one of the Gryffindor chasers handling the Quaffle. She slowed down a bit giving Marcus Flint the opportunity to knock it out of her arms and hand it over to another Slytherin Chaser, who then proceeded to score. The Slytherin team was nothing more than seven green blurs flying through the sky thanks to their new brooms. y/n had given her old one to Oliver Wood whom she was sure would eventually compete on a national level one day, the passion that boy had was unmatched. His reaction was priceless when she offered it to him. At first, he was confused as to why a rival team member was talking to him in the first place. But once she told him that he could have her old broom, he picked her up and swung her around in a massive hug in the middle of the Great Hall. The two now had a newfound respect for one another, after Wood realised that she wasn't as brutal in real life as she was on the pitch.

But even with two Nimbus 2000's on their team, Gryffindor was still far behind Slytherin with the scores now standing as 90 to 30, Lee Jordan announced over the loudspeaker, as he had been doing the whole game. He was funny, but y/n found herself getting frustrated at his constant accusations of the Slytherin team, only half of which were true. Luckily Professor McGonagall was there to keep him from saying too much.

The Slytherin team rounded up and did a victory lap of the stands, cheering and jeering as they went. y/n spotted Harry looking very frustrated at his team's performance. He needs to lighten up, she thought. And so, y/n swung over on her broom to hang upside down and flashed a cheeky grin at Harry as she passed over his head. His expression was that of annoyance, but y/n saw a smile cracking through as he caught sight of her goofy antics.

The play soon resumed and y/n returned to her search for the bludgers. She quickly chased after Marcus who had a bludger heading straight for him, courtesy of George Weasley and hit it away before the Slytherin captain was hit. She heard him call quick thanks as he sped off and y/n had spotted where she had sent the bludger.

Harry and Draco were hovering high above the pitch arguing about something and y/n had sent the bludger straight for the unsuspecting Gryffindor, Harry turned at the last minute and ducked his head, saving it from being knocked clean off. y/n signed in relief, she had hit the bludger with a lot of force.

y/n saw Oliver Wood zoom up and yell something at Harry, being the captain and all. Harry yelled something back but it was too late. The bludger had gone flying into Wood's broom and knock the front end clean off, sending him hurtling off-balance and to the ground. The bludger then proceeded to chase after Harry again, suspiciously persistently.

Harry was pulling all kinds of moves trying to shake the bludger off his tail, but nothing could get rid of it. Harry went darting in between stands, sending the bludger right through some of the scaffolding. But Harry was smart enough to come up with a semi-decent plan. He went soaring straight for one of the stands but pulled up at the last minute, sending the bludger straight through and out of sight.

y/n was about to continue with the game when she saw Draco, once again, tormenting Harry. "He needs to pay attention to the game and find the Snitch!" y/n thought, chastising the new Seeker. That's when Harry went off at 100 mph in one direction, he had seen the Snitch. Draco promptly followed and soon the two Seekers were on the chase. y/n went to go follow the boys as part of their game plan. One of the beaters would prioritise protecting the Seeker if they had seen the Snitch, whilst the other would pay attention to the rest of the game.

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