The Second Meeting With Snape

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Hermione was finally released from the hospital wing a week later and she was back to hanging out with Ron and Harry twenty-four seven. This meant that y/n had about the half time she used to spend with her best friend. Don't get her wrong, she was glad that Hermione was well again, but she couldn't help but feel bitter whenever she saw the Gryffindor trio laughing in the halls on the way to their next class.

It wasn't like y/n was a loner or anything, though. She was still hanging out with Chloe, Valentina and Mirabella almost every hour of every day, and she was still friendly with Draco. Fred, George and Ginny were still her friends and had a good chat when they could. Fred and George still tried to mess with her in potions and Ginny would come to y/n if she needed help with anything, which made y/n happy. She was glad to know they Ginny still trusted her and knew that she could ask her anything. It was probably for the best as well. y/n was sure that the help she gave was much more helpful compared to the twin's or Ron's, even Percy couldn't really relate to Ginny.

It had now been four months since the last attack on Justin and Nearly-Headless Nick, and most of the school were convinced that the attacker had retired from their tirade of Petrification. According to Mirabella, the mandrake's were almost fully matured by March.

"I wish I could have dropped Herbology like you, y/n," she sighed, "Those ruddy mandrakes are always making a mess of the greenhouses and we're forced to clean it up!"

"Don't think that fast tracking potions is all that good," y/n said, "I'll have to take my O.W.L's for it next year and Professor Snape is already going on about how he'll only accept people into his N.E.W.T class who get an Outstanding!" as much as y/n enjoyed potions and as much as she excelled at it, the work load often exceeded anything else she was getting in her other classes. But Professor Snape had made it very clear to her that if she couldn't keep up with the class and didn't up keep her perfect marks, he would put her back with the rest of the second years. y/n wasn't sure if she could stand the shame and embarrassment.


Soon the Easter holidays came and a well-deserved rest from study washed over the school. The second years, however, were given even more school to worry about. The time had come to choose their subjects for the next year. Professor Snape had given all of the Slytherin second years lists of possible subject selections marked with their name and house. They were still required to continue all of their current subjects and had to choose a minimum of two additional electives. Mirabella, Valentina, Chloe and y/n were munching on some chocolate that y/n's Grandmother had sent over in the common room, skimming over and asking for each other's advice.

"I'm thinking Study of Ancient Runes and Divination," Mirabella stated, checking of the two subjects on her paper, "Do you guys have any idea on what you're choosing?"

"None whatsoever," Valentina huffed.

"Nope," Chloe added, "I don't even know what half of these things are!"

"Oh yeah, you're half-blood," y/n remembered, "You probably haven't even heard of Divination,"

Chloe shook her head and y/n got up from her chair and sat next to Chloe on the couch. She took the subject list and started recommending subjects to her. "Well, Muggle Studies would be pretty easy for you so there's always that, and Arithmancy is pretty similar to Muggle mathematics-"

"No way! The thing I was happiest about when I came to Hogwarts was that I never had to sit through a maths class again!" Chloe said and everyone laughed.

"Care of Magical Creatures? You're outside the whole lesson, I think you would like that," y/n stated and Chloe smiled. She had always been a hands on person so she ticked off Care if Magical Creatures right away.

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