The Outsider

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Hey so this song (The Outsider - Marina and the Diamonds) just served as some inspiration so maybe listen to it as you read or whatever, doesn't bother me, just thought I'd share :)

To say that the last few days of school were tough for y/n was probably the understatement of the year. She wandered the halls constantly getting nasty looks from other students. News of y/n's newfound "gift" spread like wildfire, there weren't many students who didn't witness her and Harry's duel in the first place. First years would travel in packs and when they caught sight of y/n walking down the halls, her head hung, trying and minimising the attention she attracted, they would quickly dash off and look behind their backs to make sure she didn't follow them. The older kids, however, weren't as quiet about their assumptions. y/n would have to endure insults thrown at her like "snake-tongue", "muggle-born-killer", or just "evil". With each vile name plastered onto her identity, her hate towards the school grew. She became cold and cut off. The only friends she seemed to have were Chloe, Valentina, Mirabella, Draco, and the Quidditch team, and even they seemed to drift away, afraid of having their reputation destroyed by hanging out with "snake-tongue".

In her classes, the only people who seemed slightly unfazed by all the talk about her (apart from the other Slytherins who still stood by her because of their natural instinct to protect their own), were Fred and George. They still had no problem sitting with her in potions and still managed to make y/n smile at their antics that drove Professor Snape mad.

Despite her friend's somewhat supportive presence, y/n felt almost more alone than ever. She was questioning who she was and who she was supposed to be. if she was destined to "cleanse" the school of its Muggle-born population, who was she to oppose? Maybe she was doing it in her sleep, subconsciously? She had been speaking to snakes without knowing it, what could stop her from setting a beast loose? These thoughts plagued y/n mind for days and kept her up at night. Nimbus at least was a calming presence, seemingly unaware of y/n's situation but clever enough to know that she needed a cuddle.

One day, y/n was in her Astronomy class and everyone was silent, the sound of scratching quills filling the room. She sat alone, as they were free to leave if they completed all their work and the others (Chloe, Valentina and Mirabella) had finished about 20 minutes ago and headed back to the dungeons. y/n still hadn't written her introduction to her Essay on the alignment if Jupiter and Mars. The eyes that were on her distracted and annoyed her to no end. Hermione, Ron and Harry were sat at the other end of her table and she could see Harry look up at her suspiciously every now and then. A group of Hufflepuffs were on the other table, they were whispering quietly to each other and looking over at the other table, presumably at y/n.

After realising, she wasn't going to get any work done with so many people waiting for her to attack them, she packed up her stuff and marched out of the room as everyone watched her leave. Just as she was about to turn the corner to head to her dorm, y/n heard on of the Hufflepuff boy's talking. She paused to listen, anytime she had eavesdropped recently, she had learnt valuable information.

"So, anyway," he began, " I told Justin to hide up in out dormitory. I mean to say, if l/n's marked him down as her next victim, it's best if he keeps a low profile for a while."

"But why would she want to attack Justin?" a girl sat across from him asked.

"Well, Justin and l/n used to sit next to each other in Defence Against the Dark Arts, pretty ironic, and he let it slip to l/n that he was Muggle-born." The boy explained. y/n had completely forgotten that Justin was Muggle-born.

"And you definitely think that l/n's the Heir of Slytherin?" the girl asked again.

"Hannah, she's a Parselmouth. Everyone knows that the mark of a Dark Wizard, or in this case witch. Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes?" the boy continued, "They called Slytherin himself Serpent-Tongue." y/n was listening eagerly from behind the wall

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