The Pixie Menaces

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y/n grumbled the entire way to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. Why in the world did they need 7 books for one subject? Out of frustration, y/n dropped the spell books onto the ground carelessly and took out her wand. Students were not allowed to use magic in the halls, but being forced to carry 7 extremely heavy books full of utter nonsense was practically child labour! y/n waved her wand and levitated the books into the air. It was still a strain to lift the weight, even with magic, but it was a definite improvement. She grumpily walked into the room and plopped herself down on a chair, next to some Hufflepuff boy she didn't know at the very back of the class. It was a fair distance from the dungeons to the classroom so she was the last one to arrive.

The boy next to her was shocked to see that a Slytherin girl would want to be anywhere near a Hufflepuff like him, but in y/n's opinion, Hufflepuff's were the best house in the school (apart from Slytherin of course). They were always so nice and mainly kept to themselves, but were also fun to be around and rarely were a part of any drama. y/n sense the awkwardness of the boy so decided to start a harmless conversation, "why we had to but all seven of these, I will never know," she huffed, staring at the books, hoping that they would just catch fire.

"Yeah, a bit useless, isn't it," the boy laughed. "I'm Justin Finch-Fletchly, Hufflepuff," he said holding out a hand.

"Hey, I'm-" y/n started but was cut off.

"y/n l/n. I know. After what you did last year with Harry Potter, practically the whole school knows about you!" Justin had a slight lisp and a south London accent, "It's so cool, did you really fight you-know-who? Even us Muggle-borns know how powerful he used to be,"

"Yeah I did, well, at least half of him," y/n said as an after thought, it was more of his spirit than the real deal. She saw Justin's puzzled face and explained, "long story." They laughed a little. This guy seems nice enough.

Then, at the top of the stairs in his office doorway, Lockhart emerges wearing a very fancy ivory and gold robe. "Let m introduce you to your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Me!" he announced like the beg-headed, git he is before beginning to decend down to the class. "Gilderoy Lockhart! Order of Merlin, Third Class, honourary member of the defence against the dark arts league and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile award." I bet he put that on his resume. "But I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!" he wait for them to laugh with an arrogant grin, I think some one coughed. "I see you've all bought a complete set of my books, well done." yeah you're welcome, take my money anytime you want. "I thought we'd start today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about - just to check how well you've read them, how much you've taken in." The only thing that y/n had used his books for are paper weights so she wasn't expecting to know a thing.

Lockhart handed out the test papers and y/n took hers and began to read some of the questions:

1.What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favourite colour?
2.What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?
3.What, in your opinion, is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest ambition to date?

It went on and on. 54 questions in total all about the great Gilderoy Lockhart. y/n didn't see the point in this stupid quiz, so she spent the whole time doodling on the page. Justin looked over to her and gave her a questioning look and asked, "how are we supposed to know what his favourite colour is?"

"I don't know," she replied, not looking up from the flying cat she was drawing, "it's probably something super pretentious like lilac," they giggled a little until Lockhart came over and tapped his wand on the desk to get them focused, (not). Lockhart took the papers after 30 minutes and rifled through them at the front of the class.

"Tut, tut. Hardly any of you remembered my favorite color is lilac. I say so in Year with a Yeti." he exclaims from the front of the class. y/n nudges Justin and they grin at each other. How predictable. Lockhart's expression darkened, "Now, be warned. It is my duty to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind! You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall whilst I am here. All I ask is that you remain calm" y/n leaned forward and craned her neck to get a better view of the birdcage covered by a red cloth. "I warn you not to scream," he continued and places a hand on the cloth, "It may provoke them."

The whole class held its breath before Lockhart whipped off the cloth to reveal a cluster of bright blue fairy things. They were obnoxiously loud and had very high pitch voices. "Cornish Pixies?" Seamus Finnegan snorted in laughter.

"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies!" Lockhart replied trying to add to the drama. Seamus only laughed along with Dean, Harry and Ron. "Laugh if you will Mr Finnegan but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them." and then the idiot opened the cage allowing the pixies to fly out into the room.

They immediatly caused chaos, flying straight at the kids and making a mess of the classroom. Two of them grabbed Neville by the ears and hung him on the old candelabra A lot just flew straight through the window, scattering shattered glass all over the room. They shredded paper, spilt ink in y/n's hair, tore painitngs from the walls and stole bags and threw them through the shattered window. Most of the class had fled out into the hallways but Harry, Ron, Hermione, y/n and Neville (albeit hanging form the ceiling) were trapped in the class sheltering under desks.

Lockhart took out his wand and shouted, "Peskipiksi Pesterinomi!" It did absolutely nothing except allow a pixie to steal his wand and proceed to send the large dragon skeleton hanging from the ceiling fall to the ground with a loud crash. Overwhelmed, Lockhart went racing into his office, he spotted the four still down there amidst the pandemonium "I'll just leave you four to nip the rest of them into the cage." And then retreated into his pixie free office leaving a bunch of 12 year olds to clean up his mess.

They swung their books around, swatting away the attacking pixies before Hermione used a clever freezing charm to stop a couple of pixies dead in their tracks. Of course "Immobulus!" y/n helped Hermione freeze the pixies who hadn't escaped the classroom yet and got them back into the cage by smacking them like tennis balls with their books, it was a rather fun game. y/n helped Neville down and re-hung the skeleton, before Hermione removed the black ink, tainting her lovely hair. It was already break when they finally left the class for lunch.


Sorry for the short update, not much in the chapter aside from introducing Justin. Hope you enjoyed it anyway. Please, vote, comment, and this book to your library so you don't miss an update. Also, chuck us a follow, that would be cool too.

Have a good day loves ❤


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