The Arrest and Suspension of Hagrid and Dumbledore

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All of the Slytherins were ordered to congregate in the common room by various Prefects shouting over the chatty group. Many were speculating the cancellation of the Quidditch match, others were simply complaining about the meeting interrupting their weekend.

After the Prefects had finally gained control over the students in green and everyone had calmed down, Professor Snape entered, a roll of parchment in his hand.

The man's black cape billowed behind him as he strides into the room. Chloe whispered a comment about Snape's appearance being similar to that of a bat to the other girls (Valentina and Mirabella). They laughed at the joke but y/n could only weakly smile. She felt so guilty about not being able to protect Hermione or even catch a glimpse of the beast that attacked her. Her friends had noticed her dampened mood and tried to cheer her up, but y/n was too deep in self-pity.

Snape sent a glare to any students who were still speaking, to quickly shut them up. The room was silent apart from the Black Lake's water lapping at the tall windows, sending a green aura pouring into the room.

"In light of recent events, several new rules will be put in place immediately," Snape announced in his baritone voice. Everyone knew the "recent events" their Head of House was referring to were the Petrifications of three students, a cat, and a ghost. Snape unrolled the parchment and began to read it off:

"All students will return to their house common rooms by 6 o'clock every evening," was the first new restriction, causing some groans to be heard around the room, particularly from older students. "Quiet," Snape growled and the silence was restored before he continued, "All students will be escorted to each lesson by their teacher. No exceptions!" He had to raise his voice at the end to put to rest the protests from a few dozen students.

The loud, angry voice quickly restored order as it had many times before. Snape began to roll the parchment back up and spoke as he did so, "It would be wise of me to inform you that, if the individual behind these Petrifications is not caught soon, Hogwarts is likely to be closed,"

This sent a wave of fear through out the room. Despite all of the students moaning and groaning about how much they disliked school (particularly around exam season), Hogwarts was a big part of their lives that they cared for. What would they do if that part was taken away from them?

y/n caught Professor Snape looking her way as he finished packing away the parchment. He quickly broke the gaze and fluently exited the room, leaving the students with their new information.


Soon after the new rules had been announced, y/n discovered that they were going to seriously affect her plans for that night. Harry, Ron and herself were planning to go down to Hagrid's just by the edge of the Dark Forest and confront him about their recently gained knowledge. They had arranged to meet outside the Gryffindor common room and go from there after dinner, but since the students were to be sent back to their own common rooms immediately after supper, there had to be some changes made.

y/n took out a piece of parchment at the Slytherin table during dinner that night after pushing aside her plate and scribbled a message down. She covered her writing as she did so, wary of any possible prying eyes.

"What's the plan now? We can't be out of our common rooms after 6!"

She then took out her wand and charmed it to fold itself into a paper aeroplane and fly over to the Gryffindor table. y/n pretended to look bored as she watched the magical note land on Ron's plate and the red head opened it.

Ron showed it to Harry who then looked over his shoulder at the Slytherin girl who was pretending to be playing with some peas left on her plate with her fork. y/n made eye contact quickly and tapped her wrist where a watch was missing, urging the boys to hurry with their response.

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