The Quidditch Secret Weapon

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"y/n! y/n get up!" y/n's dorm mate's voice melded with her dream so she didn't stir, that is until Georgia, her dorm mate, picked up Nimbus and plopped him down on y/n's face. His fur tickled her nose and she quickly brought up her hand to brush away the Kneazel sat on her. "y/n, Marcus Flint has been banging on the door to get you to go to Quidditch meeting since the sun came up! Get out so I can sleep, it's Saturday for crying out loud!"

y/n groaned loudly and groggily got out of bed, wearing her covers as a cape to keep her warm. More banging came from the door, "I'm coming, Marcus! Hold on!" y/n yelled irritated. She knew she had training that day but she hadn't heard anything about a meeting. She stomped over to the door and swung it open, holding a deadly and irritated look on her face, probably having her hair mimicking a bird's nest and her eyes still half closed and full of sleep. "Is this going to take long?" she asked Marcus Flint, the Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. He was wearing trackies and a jumper and had no shoes on.

"Just a little debrief in the common room, then you can go back to bed and get your beauty sleep, princess," Flint replied smoothly, smirking as he mocked her.

"Ha, beauty like this isn't achieved overnight," y/n responded, jokingly flicking a lock of hair over her shoulder. y/n closed the door behind her and walked down to the common room still in her pyjamas and her duvet-cape trailing behind her. She and Flint had entered the common room and joined the rest of the team in front of a fire that someone had lit to warm their numb hands, it was already cold enough as it was without being down in the dungeons. y/n sat down on of the couches, pulling her cape around her, it was 5 in the bloody morning! y/n was still in sleep mode.

"Welcome back team!" Flint announced standing up in front of them, "I hope you're all ready to keep the cup up on the mantle," he pointed to the large trophy, sat proudly above the fireplace. "So as you may know, our Seeker, Terrence, graduated last year. Which means we are welcoming a new player into the ranks."

"But we haven't even had tryouts yet. How have you already picked?" Peregrine Derrick, y/n's fellow beater asked.

"Well, I'm sure you're all aware of the new Nimbus model that has just been released," Flint said and everyone nodded. The Nimbus 2001 was now the fastest broom ever made and beat out its predecessor (Nimbus 2000) by miles. y/n had contemplated purchasing one back in Diagon Alley but thought against it. She didn't want to seem like she was showing off her wealth in front of the Weasleys, and the 2000 was still very fast. "Well, I was offered one Nimbus 2001 for every player on the entire team!"

The players looked at Flint in amazement. y/n couldn't believe her ears, who would spend that much money on a school Quidditch team, surely not Professor Snape. "What's the catch?" she asked the captain.

"We'll receive the brooms in exchange of a seeker. If we let him on the team, we get the brooms, simple as that." Flint said, y/n already knew that he agreed to the deal.

"Well, then who is this kid? Does he even know how to fly?" y/n asked. What was the point of having the fastest brooms in the world if your seeker can't even get two feet off the ground?

"Yes he knows how to fly, and he's not too bad for a rookie."

"Well, he has to be amazing if he's going to beat Harry." y/n scoffed and folded her arms, she was still very grouchy from the early start.

"Oh I'll beat Potter, don't worry about that y/n," a voice behind her said. y/n whipped around and saw none other than Draco Malfoy, wearing his pyjamas and a proud smirk.

"You're the new Seeker?!" y/n exclaimed.

"I told you in my letter- oh yeah, owl problems right?" Draco said, remembering y/n's postal issues.

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