The Insane Gryffindors

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y/n, unfortunately, woke up to the day that would end her Summer. Don't get her wrong, she wanted to go back to Hogwarts and see all her friends, but nothing could beat the blissful nothingness that came with the holidays. She didn't even get one final sleep in. Ginny woke at the crack of dawn, too excited to slumber and was shaking y/n to get up and pack before Molly would come up and drag her out of bed. y/n knew that Ginny wasn't joking, so she jumped out of bed, threw on some comfy, yet presentable clothes for the train ride on the Hogwarts express.

y/n, Ginny, and Percy seemed to be the only ones smart enough to pack up all their things the night before because y/n walked into chaos. The twins were chasing around stray firecrackers, Ron was upturning every pillow in the house in search for Scabbers (his rat) and Harry seemed to just be caught up in the storm. After packing all their trunks and animals into the car, Molly, Artur, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Ginny and y/n, all piled into the magically enlarged car. You couldn't tell that it was any bigger from the outside, but the seats and been lengthened and leg space expanded to accommodate for the lanky teenage legs. After returning to the house for Fred's Filibuster Fireworks, George's broomstick, and Ginny's diary on three separate occasions, they departed from the burrow and began the rushed car drive to Kings Cross.

They arrived with 15 minutes to spare and so they rushed to get onto platform 9 3/4. y/n was at the back of the group and was wrestling with Nimbus to get him back into his cage. "I'm sorry Nimbus but I can't keep you with me!" The cat or rather, kneazel, hissed slightly in discomfort. Over her stay with the Weasley's, y/n had discovered that Nimbus was in fact not a common house cat at all, but a magical beast known as a kneazel. A cat-like creature who had the uncanny ability to detect odd characters and have a very high level of intelligence. Percy had informed her of them when he noticed the cat's odd and human-like behaviour (more so than a common house cat). He also told her that such creatures were not allowed to travel on the train after a very violent event a few years back involving a girl, her ex, and her very aggressive kneazel. Soon enough, y/n was able to get a very sour Nimbus locked in his carry cage and was about to catch up to the others when she heard her name being called.

"y/n!" Draco ran up behind her. "I'm so glad I found you," he said.

"Hello again Draco. Can it be quick? We need to be on the train in a few minutes," y/n replied looking at the clock in the middle of the station.

"Oh don't worry, it won't leave without us." Ah yeah, it will.

Behind Draco, came a tall man with long blonde hair and a skinny woman with a pretty face and defined cheekbones. Mr and Mrs Malfoy. "Miss y/n, so nice to see you again." Lucius said curtly, smiling an oddly compassionate smile, "I'd like to introduce my wife, Narcissa." The woman smiled down at y/n, she seemed kind and motherly.

"I've heard of you y/n, so nice to finally match a name to a face," she said looking between Draco and y/n.

Harry was walking with Ron and the other Weasleys. He turned around when he noticed Nimbus' screeches had ceased. y/n was no longer behind them, she was talking once again with the Malfoys. Harry stopped just staring at the group chatting away, Ron noticed that Harry had dropped behind and turned as well. "Harry c'mon! The train will be leaving soon if we don't-" he began before noticing who was keeping y/n company. "Just leave her mate, she'll be fine." he finished, bitter that she was chatting with their soul rivals. Harry took one look back at y/n before continuing to hurry down the platform to the barrier.

"The train will be leaving in a matter of minutes we better get you two onto the platform," Narcissa said checking her fancy bejewelled watch. "Here take my hand dear, if we apparate, we'll make it in time." she held out her hand to y/n who apprehensively took it, she had never apparated and didn't want to regurgitate her lunch in front of such important wizards. Clutching her trolley in one hand and Narcissa's boney had in the other, she felt herself being pulled at every angle until she felt her feet hit the ground again. Surprisingly, and thankfully, she didn't feel nauseous at all. Her and Narcissa stood in front of the barrier between platforms 9 and 10, the muggles surrounding them seemingly unaware of the two ladies who had just appeared out of nowhere. y/n heard a "pop" behind her and saw that Lucius and Draco had also successfully apparated down.

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