The Parseltongue Duo

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On Sunday morning, y/n's bones were practically good as new. She awoke early in the morning, well she didn't really sleep per say, more like closed her eyes for a few hours but refused to drift off in fear of another attack. The sun still hadn't risen and the small clock on the table next to her told her that it was 6:57 am. y/n looked over to the other side of the room to where Colin's body was placed only to see one of the tall curtains concealing him from view, like the one y/n had change behind the day before. Madam Pomfrey still wasn't up and her curiosity was eating away at her patience, so y/n slipped out of bed and hurriedly tip-toed over to Colin's bed.

y/n pulled the curtains away to reveal the small boy, laying there like he was dead. Thank Merlin he wasn't. She just looked at him for a moment, pitying the aspiring photographer. y/n noticed his melted camera on the table beside him and picked it up. Poor boy, he loved this thing. She thought, frowning. y/n couldn't help but be mystified by the camera, its insides had been melted and now had dried into a lumpy, disfigured state. She took out the film, which was also destroyed and pocketed the camera. Colin wouldn't have any use of it and it could help with y/n's research. Maybe the monster who was carrying out the attacks could breathe fire? A dragon maybe? This camera could help answer these questions.

Not wanting to seem suspicious, y/n rushed back over to her bed and hid the camera under the sheets. She didn't want people thinking she was a thief! Well, she sort of was now, but no one needed to know that. Only, Harry had seen her take the camera and it only added more evidence to his theory. At first, he thought that there was no way y/n could be the one behind the attacks, but all the evidence was pointing to here. She was there the night Mrs Norris was Petrified and the message was written on the wall, she had been the one who hit the rogue Bludger at her (Ron pointed that out), and she had disappeared last night right before Colin was attacked. After seeing her take his camera as well, maybe to destroy evidence, made Harry almost certain she had something to do with all the attacks. If not her directly, then maybe she was working with Malfoy? They were rather close apparently.

He voiced this all to Hermione and Ron in the abandoned girl's bathrooms after he was discharged from the hospital. The Polyjuice Potion was coming along nicely, they had perched a cauldron over a toilet and Hermione had lit a portable, water-resistant fire in the bowl, this was a speciality of hers. After he explained what he thought of y/n and told his friends about Dobby visiting the night before, both Hermione and Ron were shocked. Harry had been so adamant that y/n was innocent, but now he seemed to be completely convinced she played a roll in recent events.

"And she doesn't talk to us at all anymore!" Harry vented, pacing up and down the isle of cubicles.

"Well fair enough mate, we haven't really been the friendliest to her either," Ron admitted, "I don't want to say I told you so but..."

"Yes Ron, we know, you were right from the start," Hermione groaned, adding the Lacewing flies to the potion and giving it a stir, "But I've said it once and I'll say it again until we talk to Malfoy, we won't know for sure."

"Well Harry just said that the Chamber has been opened before, my bet is that Lucius Malfoy opened it when he was in school," Ron announced triumphantly, "And now he's taught Draco how to do it."

"Yeah, and Draco probably let y/n in on it," Harry sneered, "probably at of their little Pure-blood tea parties!" Harry's joke lightened the mood of the room and the trio laughed at the idea of such a party. But y/n's heart broke, hearing her former best friends joking and scheming about her behind her back. A tear slid down her face as she marched away from the bathroom door, she should have known better than to give Gryffindors her trust.


It was now mid-December and y/n still hadn't spoken to Harry, Ron, nor Hermione. She stopped sitting with them in class, stopped walking with them in the halls, and didn't even look when she passed them on the way to class. y/n found that her dormmates were all very good friends and were nothing but inviting when she asked to sit with them in Charms. Chloe Shaw was a joker, always finding something funny in anything (even if her humor was very inappropriate). Valentina Castro was kind and seemed to know everyone who they passed in the halls, even the older kids from other houses. Then Mirabella Mondo was a poetic girl, who just seemed to chuck in fancy words into her conversations just because she could, for this reason she was very helpful when it came to essay writing.

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