The Founders of Hogwarts

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In the days to come, the attack on Mrs Norris was the talk of the school. Filch made sure to not let anyone forget about the incident by hanging around the spot where the cat was Petrified, as though he thought the attacker may come back. y/n saw him trying to scrub the blood message off the wall but to no avail. The blood looked as fresh as it was the night it was discovered. Ginny seemed very shaken up about it all. y/n hung around with her during lunch a few times reassuring her that Mrs Norris was the foulest cat to walk the earth.

"Honestly, we're better off without her," the Slytherin said to the young girl as the strolled through the west courtyard. "Stuff like this doesn't normally happen at Hogwarts," y/n tried to reassure her despite her not really experiencing anything normal herself.

y/n also noticed that the attack had affected Hermione too. She spent more time than usual reading and neither Harry, Ron, nor herself could get a response out of her. But y/n found out why eventually.

After her double potions lesson with the fourth years and a hurried lunch, y/n headed up to the library to finish her Charms essay which she had only a few hours before it was to be handed up. As she approached the grand doors, she saw Justin Finch-Fletchly, the Hufflepuff boy from DADA, coming towards her. y/n was about to greet him when he made eye contact and turned on his heel and sped away in the opposite direction. y/n wished she could have been surprised, but ever since the attack on Mrs Norris, she had caught people giving her odd looks and then turning to whisper to their friends. Harry was copping his fair share too. Everyone was suspicious of them since they were caught at the scene of the attack.

y/n found a spot where it was relatively empty and sat down, opening her spell book and beginning to write her conclusion on the "Theory of Transportation Charms." she had only dipped her quill in ink twice before she heard Harry and Ron sit down in front of her. "Hey guys," she said not looking up from her work, "Where's Hermione?"

"Somewhere over there," Ron replied waving his hand towards some shelves, "looking for another book. I swear she's trying to read the entire library before Christmas. Oh, you're doing the essay? Can I look? I'm still eight inches short,"

"Once I'm done, but change it up a bit so it doesn't look obvious you copied." y/n said. She then told the two boys about Justin running away from her.

"Yeah, he did the same for me on the way here," Harry said.

"Dunno why you two care, I thought he was a bit of an idiot," Ron said, trying to peer over y/n's hand to copy her writing. y/n was about to give Ron a spray for talking about her friend like that (though she didn't think that they were really friends anymore) when Hermione stomped up to the table they were sat at, looking irritable.

"All the copies of Hogwarts: A History have been borrowed already," she said slumping into a seat next to y/n. "And there's a two-week waiting list, Oh I wish I packed my own copy, but it didn't fit in my trunk with all of Lockhart's books..."

"Why do you want to read it? You've practically memorised it," y/n said, finishing the final line on her parchment and handing it to a grateful Ron.

"The same reason everyone else wants it, to read up on the Chamber of Secrets," Hermione replied resting her head on hands leaning on the table.

"As in the Chamber of secrets that was written on the wall,." Harry asked, leaning in closer so he didn't have to speak so loudly.

"Yes, but I can't remember anything about it, and it's not in any other texts." Hermione huffed, now a defeated frown on her face. Just then, the bell went, signalling the beginning of the next period: Transfiguration.


"Right. Now, today we will be transforming animals into water goblets," Professor McGonagall announced from the front of the class. y/n was sat next to Draco, just behind Ron and Harry. Nimbus was sat in front of her quite happily flicking its tail, and there was a small lizard perched on a log in front of Draco. McGonagall took out her wand, "Like so. One, two, three. Vera Verto. after tapping the end of her wand on a very exotic looking bird, it transformed into a glistening glass goblet. The whole class awed at the spell. "Now it's your turn. Who would like to go first?" she asked as she began walking between desks. "Ah, Mr Weasley. One, two, three. Vera Verto."

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