The Young Riddle

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It was the end of yet another school day for y/n and she thought she was going to collapse from mental exhaustion. Her Professors had set her a ridiculous amount of homework, most of which was to be handed in the next day. She trudged up the stairs to her empty dorm, it was only 4 o'clock so the other girls were most likely out socialising. But y/n was not going to pull another all-nighter to get her work done. She thought that if she got onto it as soon as possible, she would be all done by supper.

y/n placed her book bag onto the communal desk that the three girls shared and pulled out her work that had to be done. Nimbus, not being of much help, jumped up onto the desk looking for attention. After NImbus had been pet and placed back onto y/n's bed, y/n sat down prepared and motivated to work.

But before she even dipped her quill into some ink, she noticed something that was out of place. A black book was sat under some of her rolls of parchment, concealed, but not hidden enough to go unnoticed.

y/n groaned. It was probably one of the other girl's and they had agreed to keep the space clear when no one was using it. She picked up the old book and was about to toss it onto one of her dorm mate's bed when she felt a strange feeling of warmth pour into her hand and make its way up her arm and eventually throughout her whole body.

Slowly turning her head, y/n looked down at T.M. Riddle's diary which had some how made its way out of Harry's dorm and into her own. She sat there befuddled for a moment before sitting up straight in her chair and looked down at the old book in confusion. There was no way Harry could have gotten into the Slytherin common rooms, let alone her dorm. No one but the Slytherins knew the password, and even then the entrance to the common room was hard to just stumble upon.

Letting curiosity take over her, y/n opened up the diary. There was really no point in returning it to Harry, she actually wanted to look at it properly. There was still no trace of anyone writing in it, every single page was completely blank. y/n was sure Harry would have defaced it somehow, but there was no sign of a quill ever scratching on the faded paper.

But y/n decided to change that. Maybe she could use the diary as her own journal? She picked up her quill and dipped it into some fresh ink and began to write on the page, "My name is y/n l/n."

Starting off with introducing herself seemed most appropriate. But to y/n's great surprise, the ink was sucked into the paper and vanished. y/n quickly checked her ink bottle to make sure it wasn't invisible ink but was surprised to see that it was regular black ink. Puzzled, y/n looked back down at the page and what she saw made her audibly gasp.

Oozing out onto the page were words that y/n swore she had never written.

"Hello y/n l/n. my name is Tom Riddle. How did you come by my diary?"

These words too eventually faded away and y/n didn't know how to react. A book was writing back to her! Realising that it was taking her a while to respond, she reloaded her quill and wrote, "I'm not exactly sure, I just found it in my room."

She waited for Tom's reply, not taking her eyes off the page. Her intricate cursive writing melted into the book and was replaced by Tom's own fancy, neatly handwritten message.

"Do you know who had it before you?"

"I believe it was a boy named Harry Potter." y/n scribbled back quickly, afraid that Tom would leave and stop talking to her.

"Yes, I spoke to him too. I told him about my memories which are concealed in this diary. Things that were covered up. Things that happened during my time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

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