The Midnight Attack

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Once in the hospital wing, y/n was set down on a bed by Peregrinn who tried to do so as gently as possible. y/n could feel the broken ribs shift with each movement, causing excruciating pain. She refused to cry though, not in front of all of her teammates. Instead, y/n clenched her jaw and ground her teeth to try and distract herself from what felt like daggers stabbing her chest.Draco was already in the hospital wing, looking very dazed and sorry for himself. He was sipping some sort of potion, presumably to help with a concussion, whilst Crabbe and Goyle sat by his side trying to comfort him. Madam Pomfrey came dashing out of her office with a clipboard holding all of y/n's medical history. "You're very strong for remaining conscious this whole time my dear. And it makes my job a lot easier," she said setting down the clipboard on the bedside table which also had a clock and a candlestick. "I'll need to examine your injuries, so you all need to leave!" Madam Pomfrey shooed the Slytherin Quidditch team out of y/n small area and closed the curtains around the bed for privacy.

y/n took off her uniform with the help of Madam Pomfrey, she couldn't lift her arms over her head and couldn't bend her torso in the slightest. After the nurse had examined y/n injuries, she jotted some notes down on the clipboard. "Three broken ribs I'm afraid," she began, "You'll need to stay here overnight so I can check up on you, but your ribs will be fine by tomorrow afternoon."

y/n sighed in relief as Madam Pomfrey began to conjure bandages around her chest to hold her ribs in place. She also used the spell "Brackium emendo" several times to rejoin her bones, it was painful feeling her bones click into place but she knew it was worth it. After, she felt almost no pain at all, only when she moved. She then had a chance to wash up a bit. y/n was muddy and bloody after her fall, the crimson red blood oddly appealing on the emerald green robes. y/n put her shirt back on, not caring it was blood stained and not bothering to button it up, the bandages acted as a kind of sleeveless shirt preserving her modesty. Madam opened up the curtains again, allowing the Slytherin team to come in and talk to her. y/n explained her injuries to them but assured them that she would be able to train in a few days time. Soon they all left and y/n was alone in the Hospital wing (Draco had left whilst the curtains were drawn), that is until Harry was brought in, bringing a dozen Gryffindors with him. Great, and here I thought I was going to have a peaceful recovery.

Madam Pomfrey rushed over to them, "What has happened now Potter?" she asked but Fred Weasley replied for him,

"Well, he broke his arm-" he started

"Oh, I can fix that in a heartbeat!" Madam Pomfrey exclaimed, glad that this treatment would be quick, but then George finished the explanation.

"And then Lockhart came and tried to fix it himself and ended up removing the bones altogether!" There was a hint of laughter in his voice and y/n herself couldn't help but chuckle. 

Her bed was a couple away from Harry's.

"Oh for heaven's sake! He should have been brought straight to me, at least it's an arm. l/n would have a bit of trouble with three missing ribs," Madam Pomfrey said, rushing into her office to gather equipment to heal Harry. At y/n's name, the crowd of Gryffindor's all seemed to notice the Slytherin beater quietly observing from a few metres away.

Hermione rushed over to her friend's side, "you broke three ribs?! Oh, how awful!" She exclaimed. Fred and George Weasley followed her and the other boys (Dean, Seamus, Ron and Neville) stayed with Harry. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better after Pomfrey fixed me up," y/n replied, realising she was breathing normally again.

"Wow your first injury as a Beater," George said crossing his arms, "and a solid injury at that! Three broken ribs, not bad l/n."

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