The Common Room Imposters

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The Hogwarts Christmas dinner was once again, nothing short of amazing. Professor Flitwick had outdone himself again with the enchanted decorations, including floating garlands of holly above the diner's heads and snow that fell down onto the table warm and dry. It was truly enchanting. The remaining students were led in Carol by Dumbledore and Hagrid was probably the most enthusiastic singer of them all, most likely thanks to a bit of help from the never ending supply of eggnog. y/n and Chloe broke bonbons and proudly placed the paper crowns on their heads. Ginny, Fred, and George came over to say hello and wish her a Merry Christmas in person, as well as thank her for her gifts.

"Good to see that mum hasn't forgotten about you," George said, pointing at the emerald green jumper y/n was wearing underneath a black jacket. "Like some have seemed to," He subtly gestured to the trio sat at the other end of the table whispering to each other.

"They're probably coming up with some new bogus theory about me," y/n retorted.

"Don't worry about them!" Ginny reassured her, "You've got us! And Chloe of course," Ginny smiled at Chloe who was standing next to y/n.

"Yeah, well, I best not be keeping you. if you stay for much longer they'll think you've been nicking off to the Chamber with me," y/n joked but there was a lining of truth to her statement.

"Well, Merry Christmas again!" Ginny exclaimed, giving y/n a big hug. The twins hugged her as well before waving good bye and leaving the hall to return to the common room.

Chloe yawned and leant her elbow on y/n's shoulder, "we should probably get back too, I'm about to go into a food coma!" she exaggerated pretending to fall asleep on y/n.

"Okay, then sleepy head! We'll stop by the kitchens for some hot chocolate then go back to the den," y/n decided. Over the week or so, y/n and Chloe had begun coming up with the strangest and most ridiculous names for the Slytherin common room. They ranged from "den", one of their favourite, all the way to:

y/n: "the snake's secret hideout, no lions, eagles nor badgers allowed!"Chloe: "Okay maybe badgers, they're alright."

After saying goodbye to the Slytherin lads, y/n and Chloe made their leave and, after picking up some hot chocolates which the house elves so kindly made, arrived back at the snake's secret hideout no lions, eagles allowed, but maybe badgers. The girls snuggled down into the comfy leather couches, both cosy and warm bundled up in blankets and woollen jumpers savouring the warmth from the fire.

The girls talked and laughed for a while, attempting to throw sweets into each other's mouths from across the room, resulting in a messy floor and spilt hot chocolate. They also practised some spells they found in some random books on the bookshelves in the den, finding some very useful but also very dark spells.

"Chloe, do you think I would look good with a spear for an arm?" y/n asked, finding an odd transfiguration charm.

"Amazing, but impractical," Chloe replied, not looking up from Nimbus sat on her lap. y/n nodded agreeing and put the book back on the shelf. Just then, the door to the common room opened and there is no one else who would come in, y/n called from the bookshelf:

"Hello Draco!" then y/n looked up and saw that he was with Crabbe and Goyle too, "Oh, sorry, hey Vincent, hey Greggory!" she greeted politely, she never really spoke to Crabbe and Goyle, mainly because she thought a conversation with them would lower her IQ. The two plump boys stood there shocked for a moment as if they were surprised to see y/n at all. When they didn't respond, y/n just gave them an odd look and sat down next to Draco on the couch.

"Hey I'm gonna go to bed now y/n," Chloe said, standing up and scooping up Nimbus into her arms, making him purr.

"Ok then, Merry Christmas!" y/n farewelled cheerfully.

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