The Strange Diary

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Hermione remained in Hospital for several more days. All the fur and whiskers had disappeared from her body, but she was still coughing up fur balls of a considerable size when y/n visited her on a Thursday afternoon so they could both do their Defence Against the Dark Arts homework. Despite her "furry problem", Hermione was as diligent as ever with her studies, insisting that y/n brought her all the homework at the end of the day. Apparently, Harry and Ron brought in the Potions work as they were in different classes.

"No Hermione that's the wrong wand movement," y/n corrected her ill friend whilst practising the Stickfast Hex. It wasn't actually taught to them in the class that day but y/n had resorted to teaching herself as Lockhart knew bullocks about Defensive and Offensive spells, instead opting for full studies and analyses of his books. So every class, she just read from her own books that she borrowed from the library and practised in her dorms after classes were done. She saw it fit to teach this stuff to Hermione as well, that girl had practically memorised all of Lockhart's books already anyway.

"Ugh! I've been at it for ages y/n!" Hermione huffed, "I'm gonna be so behind when I get back..." Hermione frowned and slumped looking very worried.

"Don't think like that! You've almost got it just aim your wand at me and concentrate on your wand movement," y/n encouraged having her own wand ready with the counter-hex once Hermione performed the spell correctly.

"And you're sure you're okay with me practising on you?" Hermione asked for the tenth time.

"Yes! Now quit stalling and hex me already," y/n pressed. Hermione raised her wand once more at y/n standing at the end of her hospital bed and chanted:

"Colloshoo!" Her wand movement was spot on and y/n found herself unable to move from her spot; her feet were successfully stuck to the ground. She pointed her own wand at her feet and muttered the counter curse, before skipping over to Hermione and giving her a high-five.

"See! I knew you could do it!" y/n raved, "Is there anything else we need to do?" y/n looked around at the many papers and books strewn across Hermione's bed, scanning for any unfinished work.

"No I think that's all, Harry and Ron just need to bring me the potions work and I'll be all caught up!" Hermione exclaimed excited at her productivity. Just then, the large wooden doors of the hospital creaked open and a pair of footsteps came sounding in the girl's direction. "Oh, that'll be them now,"

"Why now? Whilst I'm here?" y/n groaned, wary of Harry and Ron growing nearer.

"You three have to talk sooner or later!"

"Well, I prefer it to be later," y/n shot back trying to quickly shove all her work into her book bag.

"Hey Hermione, we have the potions-" Ron began before he saw that y/n was still lingering around the bed, gathering her books and quills, "Oh, you're here..."

"Not for long Ronald," y/n spat, knowing that using Ron's full name annoyed him.

"What are you even doing here?" Harry accused, a snarl set deep in his face.

"I was helping Hermione catch up on her studies, 'cause that's what good friends do," y/n grumbled, carefully putting the cork back on her ink and then chucking it in her bag.

Sensing the tension, Hermione attempted to defuse it, "So, what potions work do we have?" she asked over enthusiastically.

"Just some rubbish Snape forced us to do," Ron replied lazily dropping the second year potion book on Hermione's bed. As he did so, y/n went to grab her own Advanced Potions book, but Ron snatched it up before she could pack it away. "Stuff that Snape's little prodigy would find way too simple 'cause she's just so good at potions," he drawled.

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