The Sword of Gryffindor

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If what y/n opened her eyes to was heaven, then it wasn't too bad. It wasn't extremely bright and white like how she had thought it to be, but dim and quiet save for the ambient white noise of flowing water. She felt no pain and her mind was calm, it was the first she had felt this way in a long time. What broke her out of her perception of the after life was someone gripping her hand. Was this an angel? Another being who was unfortunate enough to pass on? y/n turned and faced the other being.

It was no angel, nor a dead person, it was Harry Potter. Breathing and in the flesh. y/n thought at first that he must have died as well and they had journeyed to the other side together, but her theory was quickly proven wrong when the bloodied and defeated basilisk laying dead in the water caught her eye. She was alive. She wasn't in heaven, far from it in fact.

Pushing herself off the ground and into a sitting position on the damp and dirty floor of The Chamber of Secrets, y/n noticed another being sat to her right. A beautifully bright and messy mop of scarlet hair covered Ginny's face slightly and was tainted with black ink. Black ink? Where on earth did that-

y/n saw her hands, black and shaking and her preferred one still grasping the basilisk fang that destroyed Tom Riddle's diary. Tom Riddle. Voldemort. They had killed Voldemort. Harry and y/n destroyed him again. Harry for a third time! But this time with no magic, only pure courage and bravery and daring were the downfall of Tom.

However, it was magic that saved all three of the students in The Chamber. Perched on Harry's shoulder, was Fawkes the phoenix, looking tired yet proud of both himself and the children.

"y/n! You're alright!" Harry exclaimed, throwing his arms around the girl who hugged back just as tight, "I thought you were... you know,"

"So did I to be completely honest," y/n chuckled half heartedly before remembering why they had ventured down into this dungeon in the first place, "Ginny! Oh my Merlin, you're okay!" she shouted, hugging Ginny now in a tight embrace, relieved that her almost adoptive little sister was safe.

"I'm fine, if it weren't for you and Harry, I'd have been a goner," Ginny said looking down slightly.

"Ron helped too! It was his wand that saved out memories after all," y/n said, Harry and her both chuckling.

"Ron's here?!" Ginny squealed a hint of fear in her wincing.

"He's fine don't worry," Harry reassured the small girl, "He's just stuck past some rocks back a little way,"

Ginny didn't respond, she only looked nervously down at a crumpled and torn book at y/n's feet. y/n followed her gaze to the diary that once held the memories of the darkest wizard to ever live. She stared at it for a moment, contemplating how Ginny had come into the possession of the diary.

"Ginny, he's gone, he can't get to you," Harry said softly to the poor girl, tears welling up in her eyes. y/n opened her arms and Ginny fell into them, weeping quietly. This is the emotional connection she needed. Person to person. Not person to memory.

After she had been consoled, Ginny broke away and sniffled a bit. y/n smiled gingerly at her and looked down at the diary. She quickly snatched it up and stowed it away in her robe's inner pockets. Whilst doing so, y/n saw the blood which had dried into her shirt leaving a large stain on the left side.

She gawked at it, "How did that - what hap - how am I not dead?" y/n babbled looking a the others, searching for an answer. Harry held a joyous grin on his face.

"That would be Fawkes' doing," he started stroking the Phoenix's head, "Phoenix tears have healing powers, see. That's how your stab wound was fixed and how the basilisk venom was drawn out of my arm," Harry pulled up his sleeve in the arm which had been bitten and showed his unbroken skin, not even a scratch where the tooth had been driven into.

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