The Final Message

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News of both Dumbledore's and Hagrid's departure spread throughout the school quickly. The Muggle-born kids were even more scared but happy to be shepherded around the school. y/n, however, found the large groups of kids taking up the entire width of the corridors very obnoxious.

y/n had told Harry and Ron about her Moaning Myrtle theory and was surprised to hear they thought the same thing. They would have gone to the bathroom sooner, but it was hard enough to get away from Professors long enough just for some fresh air. And they were all struggling to think of a way to get to the girl's bathroom right next to the scene of the first attack.

There was one person though, who seemed to be revelling in the atmosphere of terror. Draco hadn't been this happy since he was put on the Quidditch team. He was waltzing around the school with his head held high and even a slight skip in his step. He did always complain to y/n about Professor Dumbledore and criticised his method of running Hogwarts. And after seeing Lucius Malfoy's behaviour the other night, y/n could see where he got it from.

It had been a couple of weeks in a Dumbledore free Hogwarts when being escorted to their Charms class by Professor Snape, Draco voiced even more of his opinions to y/n, Crabbe and Goyle.

"I always knew father would be the one to drive Dumbledore out of the school," he boasted rather loudly, "I told you he thinks Dumbledore's the worst headmaster this school has ever had. Maybe we'll get a decent one now. Someone who won't want the Chamber of Secrets closed. McGonagall won't last long, she's only filling in,"

y/n nodded along, not caring to start an argument with Draco. He would defend his father to the ends of the earth. She had to jog a little to catch up to Draco who had scurried up to Snape's side.

"Sir," Draco started louder than needed, "Sir, why don't you apply for the Headmaster's job?"

"Now, now, Malfoy," Snape tutted failing to suppress a tight smile, "Professor Dumbledore had only been suspended by the governors, not fired. I dare say he'll be back with us soon enough- Hurry up you four in the back!" Snape barked at Harry, Ron, Dean and Seamus who were straggling behind. They also seemed to be holding Ron back slightly. Odd.

"Yeah right," Draco scoffed, "I expect you'd have Father's vote, sir if you wanted to apply. I'll tell father that you're the best teacher here, sir,"

"And while you're at it, you can ask him to give top marks in every subject!" y/n mocked, earning her a playful bump from Draco, "Kidding! I'm Kidding" Draco backed off and turned away until she spoke again, "You couldn't beat me in potions,"

"I could so!" Draco exclaimed back, horrified at being challenged.

"I'm three years ahead, could not," y/n chimed back easily, a smirk playing on her lips.

"I'm top of the class! I don't need to ask father to get me the best grades in potions," he shot back, crossing his arms smugly.

"You're top of the class in Professor Snape's second-year class. I'm the top in his fifth year," she rebutted. Draco was about to retaliate when Snape spoke up.

"Malfoy, l/n could brew a better potion than you with one hand tied behind her back and blindfolded," he said looking straight ahead, "you're whining is annoying me, stop it,"Draco doesn't speak back but only stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks at the ground pouting. y/n leans over and throws an arm over his shoulders.

"Don't look so beaten up about it Draco," she consoles, "I can't help but be better,"

The two make eye contact and burst out laughing. They have a very competitive friendship but never let their friendly competitions interfere with their relationship. They walk to the rest of the way to Charms chatting about their study for the upcoming exams and how neither of them had done the homework.

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