The Senior Malfoy

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Mrs Weasley woke them all up early the next morning. Everyone managed to eat a few dozen bacon sandwiches each, and were now all waiting for y/n to come downstairs into the living room, they were travelling via the floo network. y/n was holding everyone up as she was searching her and Ginny's room for her Gringotts key. She was about to leave when she remembered her wand and cloak. The only one she brought was her Hogwart's robe but everyone else was wearing theirs too. y/n quickly threw it over her shoulders and closed up the front. She dashed down the stairs, feeling bad for taking so long. She ran into the living room where everyone was explaining the floo network to a very nervous looking Harry.

"Sorry for taking so long!" she said as she joined the rest of the group. Molly turned to face her.

"Oh that's quite alright-" she started but came to a halt once she caught sight of y/n's robes. y/n suddenly felt very alone with everyone staring at her.

"What is it? Is there a bump in my hair?" y/n asked, combing through her hair with her fingers.

"Your robes..." Molly said staring the green crest on the left-hand side. y/n followed her gaze and realised what they were so shocked by. She looked back to the group and saw how nervous Ron had become.

"Ronald?" y/n asked in a fake sweet voice, "You didn't happen to mention my house to your parents, did you? Or did it slip your mind?" she glared at the boy who knew he was in trouble now, but he couldn't respond only broken sentences came out of his mouth.

"Well," Arthur began, "Slytherin."

"Yep. There isn't a problem is there?" y/n asked, still staring daggers at Ron.

"Oh no! It's just a surprise is all." Arthur quickly explained, smiling. y/n smiled back and caught Percy smirking. Prick. She stood next to Ron who tried to apologise but he just got a look from y/n that said, don't-even-try-that-Ronald Weasley. He quickly shut up.

"Fred, George, you go first," Molly ordered the twins who climbed into the fire place. George took a hand full of floo powder and said, "Diagon Alley!" he threw the powder at their feet and emerald flames engulfed them, sending them on their way.

"Ok, Ginny you go with y/n," Molly said. y/n took the floo powder and held Ginny's had in case she accidentally got out at the wrong grate. y/n copied the twins and were eaten by the flames before emerging from a fire place in Diagon Alley, set aside for floo travellers.

"Are you alright?" y/n asked Ginny, brushing some soot off her shoulders before giving in and taking out her wand. "Evanesco," she said pointing her wand at the little girl. The soot disappeared and Ginny was all clean again. y/n looked down at herself and saw that she too needed a clean so she used the spell on herself. Soon enough, the rest of the Weasley clan came through, but one was missing. "Where's Harry?"

"We were hoping he would be here with you, oh no. I just hope he hasn't gone far," Mr Weasley said. "Right we best get going, Flourish and Blotts looks chock a block." he said looking down the alley at the book shop, which had a long line of people waiting to get in.

"I can take Ginny to get her wand and all that if you like?" y/n said. There wasn't much she needed, just her books and new uniform.

"Yeah could I go with y/n, Mum?" Ginny asked, using her youngest-sibling-charm.

"Well alright, but we'll stop by Gringotts first, and we still need to find Harry!" Molly said, and if one queue, Hermione and Harry came rushing over, Harry's glasses were broken. "Oh thank heavens you're alright Harry!" she exclaimed.

"Hermione!" y/n called. Hermione looked over and saw y/n, smiling widely.

"y/n!" she replied running up and hugging her best friend, "It's so good to see you!"

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