The Enemies of the Heir

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y/n didn't talk at all to Draco out of spite at dinner that night. Her Shepard's Pir remained untouched on her plate for she couldn't help but feel that something was watching her. She subtly looked up at the Gryffindor table in hopes that none of them was shooting daggers at her. y/n felt so guilty about not doing more that afternoon. Hermione must've been so upset and hurt and she didn't do anything, some friend she was. But luckily, they were all happily eating their supper, Hermione's usual smile creeping out at one of her girl friend's jokes. y/n noticed that Harry and Ron weren't at the table, before panicking, she remembered that they had detention that night.

Content for probably the first time that day, she stabbed the pie's pastry with her fork, but when she was about to take a bite, a raspy, cold voice echoes around the room. y/n dropped her fork and looked around the room for the voice's face, but only saw the unbothered faces of the students and teachers. not even Dumbledore seemed to had noticed. y/n tried to push the thoughts from her head, probably just the wind... But then, it returned.

"Come ... come to me ... let me rip you ... let me tear you ... let me kill you ..." The voice sent chills down y/n's spine and made her feel ill. She again searched for a source but saw nothing. Not thinking twice, she abruptly stood up from her seat making the table shake slightly and left the Great Hall. y/n rushed down the halls, not making eye contact with anyone as she passed them, not that there were many out wandering, almost all of the students were still eating dinner. She turned a corner, headed for the dungeons, maybe she was just tired? But that's when she heard it again. "Blood ... I smell blood ... let me rip you ... let me kill you ..." The voice was even more terrifying because it sounded so close, it was almost as if it was inside the walls.y/n pressed one of her ears to the stone wall and followed the voice as it travelled down the hallway. "Kill! Kill! Kill!" It was moving faster and faster until it stopped. and y/n found herself in a deserted part of the castle. She stood frozen in place, straining her ears for the slightest noise for her to follow. "It's time..." The voice called out again.

Time for what?  y/n thought but then she realised what the voice was planning, "oh no..." y/n raced after where the voice had last came from. Her feet mindlessly carried her through the castle. She began to hear other footsteps racing towards her. Could this be the voice? As she rounded a corner, she ran straight into someone and let out a small scream before she realised who it was.

"y/n?" Hermione said, racing after Harry with Ron by her side.

"Did you hear it?" Harry asked frantically and out of breath.

"Yes! Just whilst I was eating dinner in the Great Hall and again just before." y/n replied.

"And you heard what it said?" Harry asked again.

"Yeah, I did... We need to keep following it." y/n started grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him further down the corridor. Ron and Hermione followed before they were all stopped by a loud yelp from Ron. "What is it? Ron are you okay?" y/n asked looking at her friend with worry, he just raised his arm and pointed at the trail of small black spiders, crawling along the wall and out the window in single file.

"Strange," Harry said, staring at the spiders, "I've never seen spiders act like that."

"I don't like spiders," Ron said, now slightly green. y/n's eyes wandered to the ground where she noticed that the ground was covered in water. Odd. But then she saw something even odder, something scary. "What's that?" Ron exclaimed. In the reflection of the water, was writing, writing that was on the wall in front of them.

Hermione read it out loud: "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware. It's written in blood too." Hermione gulped and took a deep breath. y/n looked at the words in horror, the blood was still fresh and was dripping down the wall and into the water, making crimson red marble effects.

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