The First Exam

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On the day of the Chuunin exams Izuka met up with two boys who were Chuunin and knew all the answers to the test also. The three transformed into sixteen year olds from the grass village then went into the academy taking their seats. Soon the genin started to fill the room looking at the competition. Finally Naruto's squad showed up; the nine rookies were all making a scene. Izuka went towards the front towards the rookies but Kabuto beat her to it showing the rookies his ninja info cards.

After a while some sound ninjas attacked Kabuto but Izuka decided not to interfere; she wanted to see what they were capable of. One used vibrations to hurt Kabuto's ears sending him to the ground but they were interrupted by Ibiki showing up and gaining control over them then instructed everyone to take a number to where they sit.

(Izuka's POV)

Ibiki passed out the test to everyone then explained all of the rules to it confusing most of the genin. I sat next to Sasuke surprisingly which did make me a bit nervous, I didn't know why he had this affect over me. I looked ahead spotting  Naruto who was freaking out. When the test began we all flipped over our papers reading the questions over. As I read through the questions, I took note of how difficult they would be for a mere Genin even a Chuunin to answer.

I read all of them and started to answer them without difficulty. For me, the test was easy because of all the reading my father made me do as a child. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sasuke writing down all the answers using his Sharingan. Soon enough everyone was starting to understand this exam.

"Oh Naruto I thought I raised you better than this. I guess it's because you haven't seen me in five years.You look just like your Father but act exactly like your Mother which scares me. If only you could've seen how terrifying she was." I thought as I watched Naruto tremble with fear.

I could feel a lot of people cheating off of me which I let them. I looked across the room and saw the sound ninja. They can't be trusted, I don't know why Lord Hokage let them participate in the exams but I trust his decision; no wonder the Hokage wanted me in these exams. I looked over at Naruto seeing that he was still freaking out.

"Maybe I should've raised him better. I should've had him read more scrolls like my parents made me...." I thought.

Looking around more I saw the strategies everyone was using. They were very clever at cheating. Maybe these kids will reach Chuunin this year; I think the exams in Konoha are easier than the ones that I've seen in the different villages. Like the one I had to take when I was little. I looked at the clock seeing that there were twenty minutes left so the tenth question will be coming soon. I sat back and let the Genin cheat off of me as the clock ticked away. I just got lost in my memories.

*Flash Back*

"Itachi, I heard that you're going to be in the Chuunin exams!" My little nine year old self shouted happily.

"Yeah, I'll finally be a Chuunin. You better watch out because I'm catching up to you Izuka." Itachi laughed.

"Itachi I want you to catch up with me. You're stronger than me and much better. I look up to you; you're my role model and always will be."


As I got out of that memory I looked around seeing everyone finished.

"Wow, there's a lot of teams left. Too bad they'll be eliminated when it comes to the next exam." I thought.

I looked over to Sasuke seeing the pain in his eyes.

"Sasuke, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most." I thought looking at him.

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