Great impression

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Izuka awoke at midnight stretching like a cat getting ready to explore her new.....home. Slowly she got dressed then headed out the door not caring if she woke up any of the members. Truthfully she didn't care for any of them especially Itachi. If she was going to live here for the rest of her life she would explore since no one gave her a tour of this confusing labyrinth. Just from her room she could tell that this base was made to confuse those who would try to escape or break in.

It was made like this in order to send the enemy in countless circles and the only way out is death. Only the members would know the tricks to it which was what she was planning to do. It wasn't a natural cave but someone made it. Just by feeling the walls she could tell that chakra was coursing through it. She stepped out of the room walking down the dark hallway only lit by torches.

 While exploring, Izuka discovered where the kitchen was, just the thought of the kitchen made her stomach growl. She stepped inside the room cautiously making sure that no one else was there. She didn't feel like running into any of the other members just yet; she didn't want to deal with them. She knew for a fact that Itachi wouldn't be up this late for he likes to turn in early and rise with the sun.

Izuka looked in the fridge and didn't find anything to eat. When she looked into the freezer she found chocolate ice cream. Her mouth started to water; everyone has a weakness and sweets are Izuka's. She hasn't had anything sweet in five years so she's taking advantage of this. She took out the tub of ice cream putting it into a bowl and sat down at the table enjoying the peace and quiet. Izuka then heard a door close and footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

She didn't bother to move knowing it wasn't Itachi. She looked over at the door seeing Hidan walking into the kitchen.

"What are you doing up this late?" He questioned as he walked over to the table.

"Eating," she replied between bites.

"Ice cream?"

"You got a problem?" Izuka snapped.

"Bitch," He muttered getting some chips.

He then sat down at the table across from her stuffing his face.

"What's your problem?" He questioned with food still in his mouth.

"You should know," Izuka said taking another bite of her ice cream.

"Ah the whole threatening you,"


"What the hell kind of reply is that?! I get annoyed of that reply! Is it a yes or a no?!!!!" He shouted.

I shrugged in reply.

"Arg you're worse than Itachi!"

That struck a nerve. Izuka quickly vanished from her spot and grabbed Hidan by the neck holding him up.

"Don't EVER compare me to that low life!" She growled in a dark threatening voice releasing a menacing aura causing Hidan to quiver in fear.

Hidan has seen a lot in his life many scary things but Izuka.....she was the scariest. There was something about her that seemed threatening like she could snap you in half without using any ounce of her strength. It took everything Izuka had not to activate her Sharingan to make her seem even more threatening. She hated it whenever someone brought up the name Itachi let alone comparing her to him. Hidan gulped.

"S-sorry," He stuttered.

She put him down and got back to her ice cream putting it into the freezer and washing her bowl like nothing even happened.

"Bi-polar much?" Hidan thought.

Suddenly Tobi came running into the kitchen and stopped right in front of Izuka.

"Tobi heard that pretty girl is out of her room! Tobi came to see if she wanted to play!" Tobi shouted excitedly.

"Not interested." Izuka replied boredly.

"Aw but Tobi wants to play!" He shouted happily lunging towards Izuka.

"Go find someone else," she replied side stepping to the right to avoid Tobi.

Tobi hit the wall face first slowly sliding down it.

"Tobi no one wants to play with you. Go back to bed you're going to wake everyone else up." Hidan said with an annoyed voice.

Tobi quickly jumped up as if nothing happened.

"How are you pretty lady? Are you still hurt?!" 

"Hn," Izuka replied walking past him.

"Are you okay?!"

"Tobi leave her alone and be quiet!"

Too late everyone was already awake. Everyone was getting out of their rooms grumbling about how late it was. Izuka sat back down at the table getting away from Tobi avoiding the drama. Everyone including Itachi walked into the kitchen half asleep.

"What's with all the noise?" Deidara yawned.

"Tobi," Hidan grumbled.

They all sighed but then noticed Izuka sitting at the table drumming her fingers on the table not even glancing in their direction.

"Why does Tobi look so familiar? There's something about him......have I seen him before?" She thought.

"Why are you up?" Kisame asked noticing that she was fully dressed.

"Just woke up," She replied not taking her attention off her fingers.

"What are you nocturnal or something?" Kazuku questioned.

"Not use to the normal sleeping cycle."

"What do you mean?" Sasori asked.

"Orochimaru's experiments were always at night,"

They were silent not knowing what to say.

"Aren't you bored with no one else awake?" Kisame asked.

"Hn," Izuka replied getting up.

Everyone watched as she walked past them. Once she got to Itachi she strayed away from him trying to get as far as possible not wanting to touch him. Once she was gone the rest of the Akatsuki looked at Hidan.

"What happened?" Kisame questioned.

"She got all pissed off when I said that she acted just like Itachi; boy was she scary. There's something about her that makes you want to stay away."

"She must really hate you Itachi......what did you do?" Deidara said.

Not saying anything Itachi went back to his room leaving them puzzled.

"I really want to know what happened." Hidan spoke up.

"I think we all do,"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

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