Down memory lane

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Okay so there's  a lot of flashbacks in this chapter mostly going more into detail about Izuka's childhood so you don't have to read it if you're not interested.

Over the next few days I've been training and visiting old friends trying to rebuild my old friendships. I walked away from the training grounds wandering aimlessly around the village. As I was walking my eyes landed on a certain spot; the dock on the lake. I walked over to it and sat down staring at my reflection in the water. I had some memorable memories down here.

*Flash back*

"Izuka!" I heard from behind me.

I turned my gaze away from the lake looking over my shoulder seeing five almost six year old Sasuke and eleven year old Itachi walking towards me.  I broke out into a smile happy to see my favorite clan members.

"Sasuke!" I shouted standing up and pulling him into a bone crushing hug.

He's just too cute and it's impossible to resist that cute face of his. When I released him, we all sat down on the dock with our feet dangling over the edge enjoying the nice weather.

"How are your missions?" Itachi questioned casting her a side glance while keeping most of his attention on Sasuke.

"Tiring," I replied laying down on my back staring up at the partly cloudy sky.

"Well at least you have some free time!" Sasuke said with excitement. 

"Thank Kami; being an shinobi is hard work." I sighed placing the back of my hand over my eyes once the sun started to show.

"You'll get use to it." Itachi reassured placing a hand on my shoulder. "The higher ranking you are the more tiring the missions."

"Nee-chan can you play with us?" Sasuke asked giving me the cutest look.

"Of course I will Sasuke!" I exclaimed sitting back up matching his energy.

"Well that's a good thing," Itachi said giving me a mischiefious look.

"Why?" I questioned scooting away from him.

"Hey Izuka, when was that last time you swam?" Itachi questioned changing the subject.

"Um a few months ago.....Why?"

"Oh no reason,"

Suddenly, I felt a force on my back pushing me into the water. I swam up to the surface looking at the two brothers laughing at me holding their stomachs.

"Itachi!" I shouted with anger but I couldn't stay mad at him for more than a minute. Him smiling was worth it. He rarely smiled and it was always a nice sight to see him happy for once.

"That was priceless! You should've seen your face!" Itachi laughed as he pointed at me trying to compose himself.

I smirked at him.

"Izuka.....what are you thinking?" Itachi questioned giving me a worried look.

"Oh nothing Itachi," I replied innocently.

I swam towards him pretending to get out of the water but grabbed Itachi's shirt pulling him into the water with me making a huge splash. Sasuke was dying of laughter when he saw Itachi's face. I started laughing along with him as Itachi sent me a playful glare. We all were laughing at each other. Itachi and I looked at each other then at Sasuke.

Sasuke's smile faded once he knew what we were about to do. I grabbed Sasuke's ankle and pulled him in with us. He screamed but when he surfaced he started to laugh again. After our laughing died down we got out and laid down on the dock staring up at the sky letting the sun dry us off.

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