Itachi's feelings

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I am not good with titles anymore -_- i'm hopeless lol

I hope you like this chapter ^^

(Third person)

Konan walked down the halls of the base towards the kitchen to get Izuka some food and water. She always wondered what made her so powerful and why the Akatsuki needed her anyway. No one has seen her fight before so they didn't know what she was capable of except for Itachi and Kisame but they fought her when she was injured. The rumors of her say that she is extremely fast, can summon animals, very smart, strong, and has lots of tricks up her sleeve. Of course they were only rumors since no one has ever seen her and lived.

All they knew for sure about her was that she was from the Leaf Village, she's an ANBU captain, and that she's strong. Konan entered the kitchen seeing Itachi, Hidan, and Deidara at the table eating. She started to make ramen and got out a glass of water while the others watched out of boredom.

"Why are you making food? Didn't you eat an hour ago un?" Deidara asked.

"It's not for me; it's for our newest member. It seems Orochimaru didn't take care of her properly so she's starving."

Her explanation enraged Itachi. It was enough that Orochimaru abducted Izuka but now he didn't take care of her. Even though he didn't like the idea of Izuka being with the Akatsuki he was glad that she was safe and alive. Even though he knew it was a bad idea, he wanted to see her. He was thrilled but also scared that she was still alive. Thrilled because the love of his life and best friend is alive but scared because the woman who he killed is still alive.

He didn't know what to expect from her but with their last encounter she wanted to kill him on the spot. She has to confront him sooner or later since they're in the same organization and there's a chance that they'll be on the same team. All he wanted to do was tell her the truth about everything but he knew that he could never do that. She couldn't be trusted at all since she was the main reason on why he had to kill the clan.

"What are her injuries?" Itachi questioned with no emotion showing.

"She was suffering from hypothermia, she was dehydrated, starving, had a high fever, infections on her arm, and was suffering from insomnia." Konan explained getting the ramen and water ready to take to Izuka.

That made Itachi even angrier. He wanted to hunt Orochimaru down and slowly torture him for what he has done to Izuka.

"When will the bitch be back to normal? I wanna see how fucking strong she is." Hidan asked.

"In a few days; she's healing quickly." Konan answered leaving the kitchen.

Everyone in the Akatsuki was very intrigued with the new member. They all wanted to know what made her so strong to attract Leader's attention. They all knew the stories of her but wanted to see her in action. They were all eager for her to recover so they can see what she was made of. None of them knew what she even looked like since Konan and Pein kept her locked up since Konan found her in the woods not too far from the base.

Konan quickly got back to Izuka's room to see her staring up at the ceiling in deep thought. Trying not to startle Izuka, Konan slowly put the water down on the night stand next to the bed along with the ramen. Izuka's eyes shifted from the ceiling to Konan watching her. Konan placed a hand behind Izuka's back and stomach helping her sit up so that she could eat. Slowly Izuka started to eat her ramen eying Konan out of the corner of her eye.

"You're going to meet the rest of the members tomorrow morning." Konan said as Izuka finished her ramen.

"Hn...whatever," She replied.

Konan couldn't help but smile. She acted like Itachi and he did say that they knew each other when he was still with the leaf. She gathered the bowl and glass then left so Izuka could get some sleep. Once she washed the dishes she went into the living room where everyone else was. Pein was also in their addressing them all.

"Tomorrow be here at twelve sharp. You're going to meet the new member even though she's still injured but in a week we'll test her skills." Pein said.

They all nodded then both Pein and Konan left.

"Hm I wonder what she'll be like un," Deidara said.

"She's defiantly powerful if Leader-sama wants her to join." Kakazu said.

"Is she Kisame?" Hidan asked.

"Well she was strong and stubborn but she was weakened at the time from her battle with Orochimaru. She also lives up to her name with the beauty and all." Kisame said. "Itachi didn't you say that when you were with the Leaf that you went on some missions with her?"

Itachi stiffened but it was hardly noticeable.

"Hn so?" Itachi answered hoping  they'd drop the subject.

"So you must know something about her."

"We never socialize with others; we just got the mission done."

"You knew about her ranks though,"


Itachi then got up and left to his room.

"There's something that he's hiding." Deidara said.

"F*** yeah." Hidan agreed.

"I wonder what it is." Kisame wondered.

"Leave Itachi alone. He wouldn't spill his guts to anyone anyway." Sasori said.

"That guy needs to learn how to f***ing lighten up." Hidan said.

"That's impossible for him," Deidara muttered.

"Ain't that the truth." Kisame agreed. "Ever since he got here he's been like this; all antisocial."

Silence soon fell over them after that brief discussion. Kisame got up and left the living room to his and Itachi's room. When he walked in he spotted Itachi on his bed staring up at the ceiling. He walked over to his own bed removing his cloak and sword placing them beside the bed and laid down also. As usual there was silence between the two; Kisame turned to face the wall and fell asleep.

Itachi was still wide awake unable to fall asleep. He was going to see Izuka tomorrow which made him nervous. He believed that he had killed those emotions for her long ago ever since he thought he killed her but now they're resurfacing again. He doesn't know what to expect when he sees her tomorrow. He doesn't know if he'll be able to keep up his façade when he sees her.

Memories were starting to come back to him of when they were kids. She was always there for him. She trusted him with her life and he just betrayed her like he didn't care but it was for the sake of the Leaf village. He doesn't blame her for wanting to kill him but he hopes that she will forgive him someday. He also wondered what she was like now and how the massacre affected her. He knew Sasuke was devastated driving him to Orochimaru for power but he didn't know what Izuka wanted to do. 

He wanted to talk to her again just like they use to as kids and see her happy smile but he had to stay away from her in order to keep quiet about his mission. He knew that once she's a member, she will want answers. He knew that he couldn't deceive her like everyone else; she was smarter than that. It broke his heart knowing that she went all these years haunted by what he had done to her and their family. He thought it would be better if she died in peace instead of reliving the memory everyday knowing that the person she was closest to destroyed her life.

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