Journey XD

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The next day Izuka awoke at the crack of dawn. She felt eyes on her so she looked over and saw Kisame staring at her then he looked over at Itachi who was still sleeping.

"What are you looking at?" Izuka questioned.

"You two look......similar."

"We're nothing alike." Izuka hissed.

"Ok ok don't treat me like you did Hidan." Kisame said putting his arms up in defense.

"Talk anymore and your head will be mounted on my wall."


"What did you just say?"

Kisame gulped and stayed silent.

"Thought so."

Izuka went over to Itachi and instead of gently waking him up she merely kicked his side causing him to shoot straight up. Once he realized it was Izuka who kicked him he sent her a glare which she matched with her own. Without a word, Itachi stood up ready to continue the journey. After five hours of traveling they decided to stop in a restaurant for something to eat for lunch. They all ordered dumplings.

When the waitress came she flirted with Itachi along with all the other girls who had hearts in their eyes. As for the men in there they were eyeing Izuka with lust in their eyes. The way all girls were looking at Itachi made Izuka's blood boil.

"Damn fan girls.....this is my childhood all over dare they look at Itachi like bad thoughts Izuka! Damn I thought I got rid of these thoughts years ago!" Izuka thought.

Izuka tried to hide the fact that she was jealous of all the girls in the room. She wanted to rip all of their pretty little heads off. Itachi was also getting jealous of the men in the room. He knew the looks that they were giving Izuka....mind raping her....he wanted to put them in a never ending Tsukuyomi. Trying to ignore her thoughts, Izuka started to eat her dumplings. (Note that they aren't wearing their cloaks)

When she was finished, Izuka stood up getting the attention of the two boys.

"I'm getting some air.......don't worry I'm not going anywhere."

Izuka walked outside the shop leaning against the wall enjoying the peace until someone appeared next to her. She looked over seeing a tall man with light brown shaggy hair with dark green eyes checking her out.

"Can I help you?" Izuka said coldly.

"Yes; I was wondering if you would like to go out with me." He asked.


"Come on I'll show you a great time." He said putting an arm around her.


"At least give me a try,"

"No......I'm leaving here anyway." Izuka said ducking to get his arm off of her.

"Come on."

"No now leave."

Izuka started to walk away but he quickly placed both of his arms on both sides of her head trapping her.

"You are very beautiful," He comments cupping her chin in his hand.

"Get out of my face."

She ducked under his arm once again walking away but the man grabbed her wrist stopping her.

"I don't take no as an answer." He growled.

Before he could react Izuka kicked him in the face sending him into the shop where Kisame and Itachi were. Everyone gathered around the hole that was created Kisame and Itachi included looking from the guy to Izuka.

"What did you do?" Itachi questioned appearing behind her along with Kisame.

"Nothing," She replied walking away.

Kisame and Itachi looked at each other but followed Izuka out of the town.

"So what happened back there?" Kisame questioned.

"Sexual harassment."

"Ah, there are a lot of cases of that these days." Kisame said.


"Come on; we have to keep moving," Itachi ordered.

"Hn," Izuka replied.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

It's been two weeks since we set off and let me tell you it's been horrible. We haven't talked to each other unless it was a command but that was mostly it. Right now we were resting after walking all day. I was sitting in a tree while Kisame and Itachi were on the ground resting their eyes pretending to be asleep. Suddenly I felt twenty charka presences coming towards us but I pretended to know nothing and put on my bamboo hat making sure they won't be able to see my face.

In a swift second twenty ANBU from the grass village surrounded us. Itachi, Kisame, and I grouped together back to back ready to fight. The ANBU made the first move by throwing Kunai at us which we deflected effortlessly.

"Akatsuki! You're under arrest for your various crimes." The Leader of the group said.

Kisame drew his sword as did I signaling that we weren't going down without a fight. They charged towards us head on. They separated us I was against 8 of them, Itachi was against 5, and Kisame was against 5.

"Lightning release: Lightning strike!" I shouted holding my hand to the sky.

Lightning struck six of the eight making them drop dead. The other two were nowhere in sight. I looked over at Itachi and Kisame and saw that they were on their last person. I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings listening for the two ANBU. The one lunged towards me from behind; kunai in hand. Quickly, I drew my sword blocking the attack but the other came from the ground a kunai aiming for my heart. I didn't have time to dodge the attack. Closing my eyes I waiting for impact but it never came.

Looking over my shoulder I saw Itachi standing there with a dead ANBU at his feet......He saved me.....

"Why did he save me?" I wondered.

Itachi held no emotion on his face but his eyes said differently. His eyes showed anger as he glared down at the dead ANBU. Shaking off my thoughts I kicked the ANBU in front of me then took my sword and stabbed his heart.

"Well wasn't that fun?" Kisame said breaking the silence.

"Gather the bodies in a pile," I ordered.

The boys did as they were told and I started to do hand signs.

"Lightning release: disintegration" I said as I held out my hand.

Lightning shot out of my palm towards the dead bodies vaporizing them to ash leaving no evidence of them ever being there. I turned away from the ashes heading in the direction of our destination which is the base. Kisame and Itachi soon followed after a few moments. As we were walking I got caught up in my thoughts.

"Why did Itachi save me? He should've let me die since that was what he wanted to do five years ago. He was angry at the ANBU for trying to kill he probably angry at me for being so careless......" I thought.

Snapping out of my thoughts I saw the base in front of us. Itachi did the necessary hand signs and opened the door. Quickly I raced to my room not saying anything to the other members. When I got into my room I shut the door and locked it not wanting to be disturbed.

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