Pein's order

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No one spoke a word......they were speechless to the news. They looked between Itachi and I. Hidan was the first to speak up.

"Soooo how were you guys friends? How long were you friends?"

"Thirteen years." I answered.

"But Itachi left when he was thirteen."


"So you were friends since birth?"

"Our parents were best friends and we were born on the same day so yes we've been friends since birth." Itachi answered finally.

"Hm so you guys grew up together?"


"Hmm...what a very interesting thing....Why aren't there any pictures of Itachi in there?"

"I burnt them all.." Izuka lied.

"Hm shame....we could've seen Itachi showing emotion for once."

"Well now you know everything so can you leave?"

"Hm no, I want to see your full potential now. So tomorrow you're going to face Itachi in a battle. Who knows...maybe you might kill him. You can replace him if you do."

"Fine with me," Izuka replied looking at Itachi.

Itachi looked back with apathy but on the inside he really didn't want to fight her. He examined her face seeing any sign of reluctance but saw nothing but pain and hatred. He was saddened by her emotions but they were understandable for what happened in the past. She doesn't know how much he regrets that day. The pain that he felt when the sword pierced her skin; the warm liquid spewing out of her flesh. Her face from that day still haunts him to this day. The shock and the betrayal that was plastered on her face.....the tears of blood that stained her pale white skin....her messy tangled black hair....the sound of her body hitting the ground.....all haunted his every waking moment.

Guilt has been tailing Itachi since he killed the woman that he loved. His heart ached for her touch again. To see her, to hear her voice, to hold her, to kiss her....but for five years he believed that she was dead and when she appeared before him he was filled with joy. All he wants to do now is hold her again and tell her everything but he knows that it can never happen. She still cannot be trusted. It amazed him how the elders let her still live. After so many years she's finally here before him but can't do anything.

Izuka walked back to her bed as the others watched her do so. Everyone looked from Izuka to Itachi with curious looks wondering what is going on through their heads. They couldn't believe that Izuka Uchiha was standing before them......she was wanted in the bingo books since she was little. A wave of pity hit them for they realized that she never had a childhood. She had to grow up fast if she was a shinobi at age five.

Izuka went over to her bed while everyone was still in there in shock. Everyone was standing there looking at the floor except for Pein and Konan who left soon after they found out who Izuka was. Finally Izuka looked up seeing that everyone was still in her room.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

Everyone looked up at Izuka realizing that they were still in her room.

"Oh....uh....sorry..." Kisame said.

Kisame then left followed by everyone else except Itachi. He stood in the doorway staring at Izuka who was staring back.

"Why are you still here?"

"I don't know......."

"I'm not going easy on you tomorrow. I will attempt to kill you; I won't hold back."

The Angel Of Darkness (Itachi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now