Itachi vs Izuka

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Izuka woke up still curled up in a ball with tear stains on her cheeks. She begrudgingly got up from her bed and into the bathroom looking into the mirror. Her hair was all over the place and she had bags under her eyes. Basically she looked horrible. With a sigh she hopped into the shower trying to make herself look decent. Once she was out of the shower she looked better but in her eyes held sadness.

She emerged from her room heading towards the kitchen to get something to eat. When she entered the kitchen no one was there which was a relief to her. She made herself eggs and ate at the table only to be interrupted by Deidara walking into the kitchen. He got himself an apple and sat across from her but stared at her.

"Will you quit staring at me?" Izuka said annoyed.

"Sorry but it's still such a shock." Deidara apologized.

"Well get use to it."

"It'll take time for all of us to."

"Well it better be fast."

"Well it probably won't.....we're all looking forward to seeing you actually fight for real this time; especially against Itachi."

"I bet anyone would be.......everyone gets excited when they hear two Uchiha are fighting. It's a very rare sight indeed."

".....So what was Itachi like as a child?"

Izuka sent him a glare making him shut his mouth. She finished her breakfast and washed her dishes then headed to her room. On her way to her room Izuka ran into Pein who gazed down at her.

"I see that you're awake," He said.


"Once everyone is awake your battle will begin."

"Great just great,"

"Oh and maybe you don't have to kill Itachi.....If we see an opening; we'll stop you from killing him."

"I thought you didn't mind,"

"Well I thought it over and decided that we still need Itachi for further plans."

"There's no fun in that then."

"Just be ready in a few hours."


She retreated into her room getting ready for the fight. Looking through her closet she saw the perfect outfit. It was the ANBU outfit that she always wore on every mission which Itachi should recognize.

"Hm if I'm facing Itachi then I need to strategize this carefully. He knows almost all of my moves and tactics. I guess I'll use my sword and use my Sharingan."

She looked over her weapons looking at her swords. One sword caught her eye; she was debating on using it or not wondering how it would affect Itachi. She picked it up and looked it over.

"Haven't used this in years.......Sasuke was right......" She sighed.

She picked out the rest of her weapons equipping them in her outfit including her sword. She braided her hair making sure that it wouldn't get in the way during the fight. Soon everyone was awake and eating breakfast.  Soon everyone was done with their breakfast and headed out to the training grounds where Izuka previously fought Hidan. Izuka made sure that she had everything she needed then headed out towards everyone.

When she arrived, Itachi was already in the middle awaiting her arrival. She made her presence known making everyone turn their heads in her direction. She stood in front of Itachi waiting for signal to start the battle.

"Begin," Pein said.

*Izuka's POV*

"Doton Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu!" I shouted.

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