Fight with Hidan

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 Izuka was laying on her bed when a knock was at the door.

"What?" She asked with an annoyed tone.

"Follow me to the training grounds.......its time you show us your abilities." Pein's voice said through the door.

Sighing she got up from the bed and dressed appropriately for battle. She looked through the clothes they gave her and put on a fish net with a blue short sleeved top over it that stops right above her bellybutton along with black shorts that go down a few inches above her knee. She got her gloves and put on her right wrist covering the curse mark. Putting on her two necklaces she summoned her sword and strapped it onto her back then was out the door meeting Pein then walking out of the base.

Once they reached the training grounds everyone was waiting for them eager to see who will fight her. They glanced at what she was wearing noticing the scar that ran down her arm and a mark of what use to be a hole on her stomach along with many others on her body. She stood before them waiting for who she is told she would be sparring with.

"Hidan, you're going to fight Izuka since she won't be able to kill you."

Pein then turned to Izuka who was still staring at each member.

"Don't hold back, show us everything you have."


Izuka went over to the middle of the field followed by Hidan. The stood facing each other as he  took out his weapons.

(Izuka's POV)

"Begin," Pein said.

I jumped back forcing chakra into my hand. Quickly, I appeared in front of Hidan punching him in his stomach which sent him flying into a tree causing it to split. He got up and ran towards me with his scythe getting it ready to strike. With each strike I swiftly dodged determined not to get hit. I didn't trust the way he only relied on weapons and the way everyone was reacting each time he almost got me. His expression always changed to annoyance whenever he missed. I needed time to figure out a strategy so I summoned Kiara my panther.

"You called my lady?" She asked dodging Hidan's attack.

"Kiara stall him; don't let him hurt you," I pleaded.

"Of course,"

She handled him dodging each attack. It seemed that Hidan is very slow with moving except when it comes to his weapon. He relied on them so all I had to do was get them away from him and attack from afar.

"Ninja art shuriken kunai multi-shadow clone jutsu!" I shouted then threw my weapons towards him.

The kunai and shuriken multiplied. There were hundreds of them; they covered the sky so it was impossible to dodge. He looked up but stayed in place trying to deflect them with his scythe. They all fell and most of them went into his body. The pain must have been excruciating since this same attack was used on me years ago in the Chuunin Exams. Once the attack was over he started to laugh maniacally.

"You can't hurt me with that!" He laughed.

"Kiara, you may leave." I said examining Hidan.

"As you wish,"

She then disappeared. I jumped back getting away from him.

"Ninja art striking shadow snake!" I shouted as snakes came out of my sleeves and some tied him up as some attacked him.

He struggled getting them off of him yelling out curses as they bit him poisoning him in the process.

"Fire Style: Soaring Flame Bullet!"

A huge fire bullet shot out of my mouth instantly hitting Hidan sending him into trees knocking them all down. He struggled to get up but slowly walked back; burns were all over his body. He seemed to be even more annoyed since there were still snakes covering him. He then ran up to me once again trying to stab me but I was too fast for him. He wasn't in the best of shape either. Shuriken and Kunai were sticking out of him along with pieces of bark from trees and the snakes biting him.

"Stay still you bitch! Let me hurt you!" He growled.

Something silver caught my eye as I jumped over his shoulder. Once he turned around I eyed the pendent around his neck. It looked familiar....I've seen it in one of the books that I have read. It was the pendent of Jashinism.

"So that's why he isn't dead yet and why Pein picked him." I thought.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough," I shouted.

Wind then swept through the forest sending Hidan away from the battle field but grabbed onto a tree.

"Ninja art: Binding Snake Glare Spell,"

Two white snakes then slithered around Hidan bounding him to the tree causing him to drop his weapons. I then held out my hand and summoned chakra to it. A blue orb formed into my hand then a put lightning into it. The orb was now spinning with electricity coming out of it. I ran towards him and hit him with it.

"Lightning Rasengan!!" I shouted running towards him piercing where his heart is.

He screamed in pain; blood spewed from his mouth and started to shake.

"Hm if you were mortal then you'd be should've been dead a while ago....when I hit you with all those Shuriken and Kunai.....I'm surprised that I survived when that happened to me." I said then walking away towards the others not bothering to get Hidan down.

"Am I done now?" I questioned.

"Hm not even a figured out Hidan's ability quickly. Those attacks you used were mostly Orochimaru's."

"He trained me when I was young." I said.

"You may go back to your room........we need to discuss your placement here.."


I walked right past all of them not meeting their gazes. Once I was out of sight and close to the base I summoned Ami; my panther pup.

"Yes Izuka-sama?" She asked.

"I need you to deliver a message." I whispered handing her a scroll.

*With the Akatsuki*

"What do you all think of her?" Pein asked the others.

They all looked at each other then back at Pein.

"She's more powerful than we expected.....Hidan didn't even lay a hand on her." Kakuzu said.

"She figured him out without even seeing what he could do." Sasori pointed out.

"We need more information on her," Kisame said.

"True......we don't know anything about you know anything else about her?"

Everyone looked towards Itachi who had an emotionless face as always.

"No," He answered.

"All of you.....try to get close to her and find more about her." Pein commanded.

Soon everyone started to walk about but stopped once they heard the shouted of Hidan.

"Come back here you bastards!" Hidan shouted.

They sighed but kept walking but through a kunai at the snakes which held him down making them disappeared causing him to fall. Once again he cursed causing most members to chuckle at his pain.

So??? did you like it??? The votes are still going hehe ^^

Just letting you know, i won't be uploading next week cus i'll be at camp so be patient XD

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