Oh how great

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Sorry i haven't been on or uploaded in two weeks, i havent been home and stuff so i'll upload two paths either tomorrow or thursday morning XD srry for the wait i hope u enjoy

(Izuka's POV)

Slowly I started to regain consciousness. My senses slowly started to return. I noticed that I was sitting upright in a chair with no one else around. I remember someone picking me up....then running....then waking up here. I felt strong chakra signatures close by; not even a mile away. I didn't recognize any of them but they were powerful. I guess I never made it to the leaf village.

I opened my eyes scanning the room that I was in. It was cold and of course was also a cell just like last time. Did Orochimaru finally get me again? I tried moving my hands but they were tied behind the chair by chains and my legs were tied to the chair's leg only with chains.  Of course the ropes were sucking away my chakra. Sighing I stopped struggling.

"Uh I'm getting sick of this abducting stuff. It gets annoying..." I said to myself.

I was getting annoyed that no one was coming to check up on me. It's been hours since I woke up and so far no one has even came near the door. It was very cold down here so I started to shiver once again. To think I'm probably suffering from hypothermia and they don't even cover me up or put me in a heated room. My body was aching still feeling the effects from all of those experiments.

Finally I felt someone coming towards the door. I heard the door open then footsteps advancing towards my direction. I had my head down not even looking in the direction of the cell door. I heard the jingling of keys then the cell door opening. The footsteps finally stopped when they were in front of me. Still I didn't look up and focused on the stranger's feet that stood before me.

The person was wearing traditional ninja sandals. Their toes were painted with purple nail polish and by the way they looked the person was most likely a girl. Her feet were small and well kept.

"I know that you're awake." A cold emotionless female voice said.

I still didn't look up.

"I know...." I replied.

She didn't reply but stepped behind me and unchained me from the chair. I was too weak to fight back so I went with it without a fight or protest. She undid my bindings except the ones around my hands then yanked me out of the chair attaching a long chain to the bindings on my hands.

"Come with me," She ordered.

I gave her a suspicious look but didn't say a word. I was curious on who captured me this time and for what purpose. Obviously they knew that I was a powerful ninja so they took precautions. Even though I was already weakened they still didn't take any chances so they didn't underestimate me at all. If I really wanted to I could escape but curiosity was taking over. She then started to walk out taking me with her.

When I looked up I only saw the back of her. She had short blue hair and wore the same cloaks that Itachi and his partner were wearing. Great, I got abducted by their comrades. I wobbled as I walked but ignored the pain. I was trying to put off the Akatsuki mission for as long as I could but I guess I was ripped away from everybody once again.

"Are you okay with walking?" She asked with a soft but stern voice.

"I'm fine," I answered.

She lead me threw a series of hallways. As we walked I noticed all of the doors with labels on them and that the hallways were only lit by torches. It was very dim and hard to see where we were going. I could sense other people here including the oh so familiar Itachi's chakra signature which was making me anxious. Soon we stopped at a door which was labeled Leader. Slowly she opened the door and yanked me in side causing me to lose my balance but she caught my arm so I didn't fall.

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