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"Sasuke," I breathed.

Sasuke cautiously walked into the room and over to me. Once he saw me his face showed horror.


"Yes's me."

"W-What are you doing here?"

"Orochimaru captured me a little after your fight with Naruto. I've been here ever since and it hasn't been fun. But I'm so happy to see you right now. You just saved my life actually; he was about to take my eye out."

"Th-that was you screaming?" He chocked out.

".................Yeah.......sorry you had to hear that Sasuke...........Just can you get me out of these straps?" I said weakly.

"Why didn't you escape?"

"These straps are draining my chakra...I'm too weak to do they hardly feed me....and I don't get a lot of sleep."

I looked into Sasuke's eyes to see that he was on brink of crying. He was holding them back trying as hard as he could. I never wanted him to see me like this but I guess it was futile for he was going to find out eventually.

"Sasuke...........please.....don't cry over me. It was my own foolishness that got me into this mess."

 He slowly advanced closer towards me. Cautiously he then started to undo the straps trying not to hurt me. Once he undid the straps I felt a tiny bit stronger as my chakra was slowly returning. He then carefully lifted me up avoiding all the injuries that I had. I winced in pain but didn't show it; I didn't want him to worry. He lifted me to my feet on the cold hard floor; I tried to stand but only fell. Sasuke quickly caught me from crashing on the floor and put my left arm over his shoulder supporting me.

"We have to get you out of here. They'll be back soon." Sasuke said looking towards the door.

"You mean we have to get out of here."

"I'm not going anywhere Izuka, but I'm getting you out of here."

He then lifted me up into his arms and hurried out of the room down many halls avoiding many people. Soon down the hall I saw light shining through the bottom a door which we quickly went through. Even though he's been here a few weeks I could tell that he has gotten stronger. We were now outside and the light blinded me because I was in the dark for so long.

"I have to go back; they'll be back." Sasuke said setting me down.

"Sasuke.......wait..." I said.

He looked over at me with curious eyes. I managed to stand and a wrapped my arms around Sasuke as tight as I could. He was tense at first but then gave in and wrapped his arms around me.

"Sasuke.....I really want you to come back to the Leaf with me but I know that you probably won't. If you choose to stay with Orochimaru then please just promise me that you won't let him take your body....when you're done training under him please kill him. Also promise me that even if you do'll always love me like you use to."

I pulled away with my hands on his shoulders looking him in the eyes.

"I was there when you were born and I watched you grow up. I remember when you were so small and innocent that all you cared about was for someone to play with you......... We were inseparable.....I love you like the little brother that I never had and I'm so glad that you're in my life. Every memory that I have of you makes me happy. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most but I still watched over you. You've been through a lot in your life and I just hope that you'll overcome all the challenges that are thrown at you. I know that you'll become a strong shinobi...even stronger than me. I'm so proud of you and you'll grow up to be.....a very strong handsome young man....... Just know that no matter what happens I'll always love you."

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