Party time O.o

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So this chapter is going to be VERY interesting :P all of you are going to be like O.O WHY DID YOU DO THAT???? well i will answer ur question right now....cus i want to see ur reaction and we need some drama in this story lol

*With Akatsuki*

Everyone turned to Itachi with raised eyebrows.

"So June 9th is your birthday? After five years of wondering we finally figured it out." Kisame said.

"How did Izuka know that?" Sasori questioned.

"Who cares; we can throw two parties!" Hidan cheered.

Itachi rolled his eyes and went to his room.

"Well let's get ready for a party!" Hidan cheered.

Everyone sighed shaking their heads. Hours later Izuka heard a knock at her door.

"What?" She asked.

"Come out to the living room un," Deidara said.


"Come on Izuka,"


" made me do this un."


*Izuka's POV*

Suddenly the door exploded causing me to jump off my bed onto the floor. Deidara grabbed my ankles and dragged me out of my room.

"No! Let go Deidara! I don't want a party!" I shouted in protest.

"Too bad un,"

We were almost at the living room when we met up with Kisame also dragging Itachi. Once again we meet up. Kami it's like a tradition! Itachi was pushed into the room while I was still dragged. When Deidara let go I quickly got up dashing for the door but someone wrapped their arms around my waist preventing me from leaving.

"Let me go!"

"No way; we're celebrating that you're an adult."

"Please, maybe physically I wasn't an adult but mentally I've been an adult since I was born."

"Yeah right," Hidan scoffed.

"Well I became a shinobi at age five and became a Jonin at an age of six. I know everything about everything. I'm a genius."

"Oh yeah, then what's Jashinism?" Hidan challenged.

Everyone was silent seeing what Izuka would say.

"Jashin is the god worshiped in Jashinism. Jashin, expects that all followers of Jashin - so named "Jashinists" to bring nothing less than utter destruction and death. Jashinists always pray to Jashin before a fight, asking for a "good kill." If they are unsuccessful, or is not allowed to kill, they pray for forgiveness.

When undergoing a sacrifice, their appearance changes after ingesting their opponent's blood. Their skin then turns black with white markings representing a skeleton, a symbol of absolute death. They draw Jashin's symbol on the ground in their own blood and stands in the center. This symbol is an equilateral circumscribed triangle which is an upside down triangle with a circle around it. Once the sacrificial ritual takes place, any kind of pain or injury that they inflict upon themselves is also inflicted upon the sacrifice.

 Be it a mere scratch or a pierce in the heart. However, this ritual can be broken if the Jashinist either steps or is forced out of the circle. This technique is called "Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood." If successful of the Jashin religion's secret techniques makes him or her becomes immortal. They use this advantage to otherwise fatally injure themselves while linked to their opponent in order to kill them." Izuka explained.

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