Entry 5: Friends or Fate

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Hello Diary,
Today is my day off from training with Ormond. He says I am doing well. I can already build myself a basic mental block and I was actually able to find a weak spot in Ormond's wall and get into his head on two occasions.

Today I went to find my servant friend Arod. Well, I use the term friend lightly because we never really address each other as friend but I am sure that is what we are. He is always someone I can go to if I need to talk.

Arod greeted me from his usual morning post at the front counter of the kitchen. He ordered me up a plate of food and made me sit with him to eat breakfast.

"Little Prince, It has been a while since we have crossed paths in the halls." He said to me with a bit of stern regret in his voice. His scales were the color of lush grass and he had frills on his head instead of horns like me. His frills and wings were lemon yellow. The later were folded gently against his back as he watched me.

"Sorry Arod, but you know I try to avoid my father as much as possible. He has already tried to kill me on a few separate occasions." I said before starting to devour the pile of eggs and bacon that was placed before me. Dragons require a lot of protein in their diet to stay fit and healthy.

He shivered and let his frills flap against his cheeks. He then nodded in understanding. "So what has the mysterious heir been doing lately, since you seem to have found something else to do besides talk with me?"

I gulped and swallowed my food and then replied, "That is kinda what brought me here actually. I have been spending a lot of my time in the library. When is the last time you saw King Gaelon go into the library to read?"

Arod thought for a moment and then shrugged. "Probably not since before he became the king, but what does that have to do with me?"

I giggled then and it made a burp escape from my maw. Luckily it was only filled with smoke and not flames from my fire lung. Arod and I were then both laughing​ in unison. It felt good to laugh. It does not happen much around here, not nearly as much as it should.

"Arod my friend, the best place to be in this palace is the place the king does not usually go." I said with a smile that showed all my sharp teeth. "I need your help, I know you were recently given the honor of having a master key. You are the only one I know who can get me into the forbidden room in the library."

I was trying to show desperation on my long face but Arod snorted and looked around the room before leaning his head in closer to me.

"What do you want in the forbidden section?" He whispered.

"I will know it when I find it. Please Arod, all I need you to do is open the door and give me five minutes to find what I need. Then we both walk away like nothing happened." He started to quiver a little as I spoke and I knew my big sad green eyes were winning him over.

"Alright but we better not get caught."

"If we somehow do, then I will take all the blame." I reassured him with a confident smile.

With that the two of us headed upstairs, walking at a normal pace so we didn't draw attention. We reached the library and went inside. The only dragons there were two females of mating age reading back and forth to each other by the big windows.

Arod bowed in greeting, it was something he tended to do to greet everyone I had come to realize. The girls paused and nodded then went back to their studying.

I made my way through the shelves and aisle​s of books easily finding the closed and locked door that read "Forbidden Books". I was grateful we were out of eyeshot from the study tables. Those girls would never know what we were doing.

Arod behind me gulped nervously as he stared at the sign on the door. He then stepped up to it and pulled his special key from under his folded wing. He clicked the lock and the heavy door creaked and swung part way open, just enough for a tiny dragon like me to slip inside.

"Thank you, I owe you one." I whispered to him then scurried into the dark little room.

I let out a faint cough as I inhaled dust. No one had come in here for a while. The only light was from the cracked open door and I could not risk dragon fire to see by. Most of the books in here were super old. Maybe some were even as old as Angoleth itself.

It took my eyes a while to adjust in the dark. Dragons have terrible vision in the dark. We must have moonlight or fire to see at night. I guess it is good most of us can breathe fire.

Finally my eyes began to make out the shapes of book spines and I started my search. There were not many books in here actually, so the ones I wanted I spotted pretty quickly.

I saw two of them, one was titled "The Ancient Language of Dragons" and another was called "Magical​ Power of Ancient Words". I grabbed them both and made my escape. By the looks of the room, no one would even notice they were gone.

(Authors note: Readers, thank you so much for continuing to read and enjoy my story. I will respond to comments and questions if you have any. Thanks again and don't forget to vote :))

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