Entry 35: A Way Out

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Hello Diary,
I have discovered during my time here, that my father behaves rather different than how he was at the Palace. I think that being around these creatures who respect magic rather than fear it has changed his demeanor somehow. But, I can not forget that he is still Gaelon.

He has been hesitant to show me his amazing shield spells, but today he finally gave in to my plea. The spell requires great focus, and lots and lots of life energy. He even mentioned using blood magic, but would not reveal that much over to me. I know that I will have to read that damn black book to fully understand it for myself.

That means I have to steal it from my father without him noticing.

As much as I want to snatch up that black book and run away, my other problem lies with the huge mountains. I still can not fly on my own, nor do I want to use a growth spell on my wings. If I messed that up I will never fly.

I know there must be a way to get through those mountains on foot. I have seen the unicorns come back with green stuff from the forest beyond. Unicorns can not fly, only pegasus.

"Stop daydreaming kid!"

I blinked and returned from my own thoughts to see the narrow eyes of a black unicorn staring me down.

"Oh Victor, Hello." I said to him, not sure why he was bothering me on my day off work.

He smiled and snorted at me. "Gaelon is always watching our thoughts. Be careful what you think about around here."

I shrugged and gave the unicorn a sly grin. "He can not enter my mind. I have mental wards up to keep him out." I said with pride in my voice.

Victor quivered and glared at me again. I could sense his jealousy. He had no such ability, the poor creature.

I suddenly realized that I was going to have to use him to get my answers.

"Is it something you could maybe teach me?" He asked suddenly. His emotion had changed now. He seemed almost desperate.

"I wish I could, but no. I am not much of a teacher." I answered in honesty. "I had a lot of pain and suffering as I learned how. Dragons attacked my mind, bombarded my thoughts. It gets hard to know if what you feel is your own emotions, or someone else. You do not want this ability, trust me."

I saw a bit of fear flash in his eyes, but only for a second. He then snorted and glared at me again. "You dragons only bring death and destruction wherever you go."

I sighed. The way my father had been ruling this land, I could see where he got that impression of us.

"I am sorry for what my father has done to this place, it's creatures, and you Victor. He stole the female you loved. I can not imagine how you feel about it. But, I should tell you that Tinnu seems very happy and was not forced into this. She was afraid to disappoint you." I had compassion in my voice, and I was sure it was not an emotion he was used to.

"How could she disappoint me? She is the most amazingly beautiful pegasus in all of Angoleth. Our children would be such strong heirs for our clan." He huffed sadly. 

He was leaving himself vulnerable to me. I could not help but take my opportunity to enter his mind and do a little searching...

Darkness surrounded me. I could hear the sobs of his voice and the slow beating of his heart. I pushed myself in a little farther, only to end up swarmed with his scrambled thoughts.

"Victor she left you to find a new mate because she is infertile. She could not give you children so she thought you would prefer to carry on your genes elsewhere. If you love her, just tell her."

His thoughts started to smooth out, no longer bombarding me with crazy thoughts. He sighed and I felt his body tremble around us.

"I thought she hated me... But she was only afraid of my reaction." I felt his sadness and grief all around me.

I tried not to let his emotions get to me and spoke. I changed the subject, hoping it would help him.

"Look, I will get out of your head if you show me how you unicorns leave the valley."

His body trembled again and then the blackness around me began to fill with the scene of one of his memories.

The scene was silent, but it was kind of a relief. I saw him cantering through the valley toward the huge mountains. As he got closer, a canyon appeared in our view. That was it, my way out.

I groaned and pulled myself away, back into myself. As I did so, I stumbled and had to catch my balance with my wings.

Victor took a few steps backwards away from me. He had fear in his eyes again as he watched me. He seemed frozen in place as he pondered to himself.

I recovered myself and folded up my wings, then gave him a thankful nod. I turned away from him and went to find a little privacy somewhere so I could practice some more magic.

"Wait kid!" Victor shouted and came trotting after me. "Wait, if you are going to run away then they will find out I was the one you got your info from. They will torture and kill me for it."

"Do you really think Tinnu would kill you? I will bet she won't, not if she still cares about you." I gave him a friendly smile then continued, "Do what you want Victor. I am not evil, I will not kill you for information like Gaelon would."

I then walked away rather proud of myself. I may be the kindest creature in this valley. I hope it won't somehow bite me in the rear end.

(AN: Thanks for reading guys. I will post another chapter very soon.)

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