Entry 7: Father's Honor

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Hello Diary,
Today both Cand and my teacher Ormond wanted to meet me out in the courtyard for a training lesson. I was so excited that I may now be learning to mix my mind powers with fighting skills. Unfortunately I would never make it to the scheduled​ lesson.

I was interrupted during my early morning reading by a loud knock at my​ door. Because I was currently reading a Forbidden Book from the library, I quickly closed it up and hid it under my blankets.

"Come in," I called to my early visitor. I never had anyone come to my room, except Cand on rare occasion. This time I was actually relieved to see a green snout peek in and not a blue one.

Arod entered the room with a polite bow and sighed. " Good morning, I hope I did not wake you." He let his frills flap shyly.

"No, I was just reading. I thought you were General Cand. I do not think I am ready to explain to him why I am learning the Ancient Language."

"Well, why ARE​ you learning the Ancient Language?" Arod asked me with sceptic curiosity.

I shrugged and shook my head. "Someone needs to figure out what my father and his adviser are talking​ about." I replied plainly.

It was a logical answer, but surely not one that ought to be done by a whelp like myself. I knew that he was thinking that, cause his mind block was not up good enough to block me from his thoughts.

"Arod, do not worry yourself over me, I am not worth it. I know it sucks, but I may be the only one who can get close and listen in without being noticed. Who would suspect the little two year old whelp of understanding that language?" I said with as reassuring of a tone as I could muster.

He shivered and nodded, "I know you can do it, that is what frightens me most. Just remember you do have friends. I am your friend and if anything happens to you I... I..." His eyes got teary and he could not speak.

So it was official, we were friends after all. I smiled and jumped up to hug him. He was not as large as Cand, so I could hug his body instead of just his neck.

"Arod, thanks for being my best friend. Someday I will be able to greatly reward you." I said with a charming princely grin.

"Oh wait, the reason I came here is because your father wants to speak with you. He said it is urgent and your lessons can wait. I would love to stay and talk but you know how he is, we shouldn't keep him waiting for long." Arod said this with a sudden bit of fear on his face.

I gulped. Never had he summoned for me like this before. I felt a pit of terror hit me and my stomach felt heavy.

"What do you think it is about?" I asked worriedly. Arod gave me a concerned shrug in response, but I got up and started out of my bedroom door.

Arod scurried after me silently. We were both about to find out what evil wrath awaited me. At least I would have my best friend at my side when I was tortured to death. I just hoped Arod would not try to get in the way and get himself hurt too.

My father was in his private royal chambers and Arod knocked three times then opened the door with his key and urged me to enter.

The room was dark and the morning sunlight was blocked by black curtains. The room was huge and I could sense the presence of the huge dragon king over on his bed.

This was my very first time being on the inside of the royal chamber. I was trembling with nerves. It was too dark to see anything.

"Good morning my King, I was told you wished to speak with me." I said, trying not to linger on any small talk and get right to the point.

I heard the king shift on his bed. Then I heard a snort and him say the word, "Valundin." Immediately afterwards a bunch of small torches around the walls of the room sparked to life, all simultaneously.

The room was now illuminated by firelight and I could see glistening gold and silver on the decor and furniture. The firelight made it shimmer.

As my eyes adjusted to the sudden light I saw my father move slowly off his luxurious bed and come towards me.

"Yes, Ruinar. I think I have a problem that only you can help me with. Arod you may go." He waved the servant dragon away then his haunting stare fell on me again. He waited till Arod was gone before he spoke more.

"I think I have a few dragons trying to start a rebellion against me and I need your help identifying the rebels. I think you have learned alot about mind powers from your teacher Ormond, but it is time I take you under my own wings. Only I can teach you true power."

I gulped and stood as frozen as a stone. My father was enormous compared to me. His black scales did not reflect the light like everything else in the room, making him look like an evil dark pit with glowing red eyes, horns, teeth, and wings.

As he moved closer and stood over me I felt like I was being consumed by darkness. "I now realize that my first reaction toward you was a mistake and I want to make it up to you, if I can." He said, his voice blank and emotionless.

I was still frozen. Was he serious? He hates me, feels like I am a threat to his reign. Maybe he is trying to trick me. Or maybe what he says is true, which means...

"If you are trying to make nice with me, why not start by acting like a father for once?"

That was not what I meant to say and it made him snarl in surprise. Then he surprised me too, he started to laugh. I have heard him laugh before, but when directed at me, it felt strange and unnatural. It felt like a strange dream.

"Direct and honest, you are my spawn after all." He said, still chuckling. "I am going to be honest right back to you boy. The truth is, I am not capable of compassion. It was one of my hearts emotions that I traded for dark magic. So if you want something then say it directly."

He paused then smiled an evil grin down on me. "I can give you what you have always wanted, just name it."

I was a little confused by his words, but I am pretty sure he wants me to start training with him, instead of my mentor and teacher. The problem is, the idea both excites and terrifies me. I do not know what to do. All I really want is for my father to show me some affection, but at what cost will I receive it?

Then there is still the fact that he probably wants something from me, maybe he just wants to torture my feelings first.

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