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Cand's POV

Tinnu and her elite group were standing in a battle formation, still waiting for my answer.

"I do not think any magic exists that can revive the dead. The dead are meant to be mourned and their memories make us stronger." I replied simply.

Even if those damn books might have something horrible like that, I would never let her discover it.

Tinnu snorted and shook her head, disapproving. "Then give me revenge instead, give me Ruinar!"

I felt a deep snarl build in my chest but I resisted letting it out. I could sense some tension in the dragons nearest to me, especially from my mate. I felt a saddening wave hit me as I thought she would probably hand him over to them if they left the rest of us unharmed. It may be a logical response, but I am not a ruthless king and I love the boy to much to use him like a pawn.

"Not going to happen." I said sternly, staring Tinnu down with a fearless glare. Then I snarled, deep and threatening. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

My bravery made the others step forward slightly to indicate they stood behind my decision. Even my mate let an angry snarl escape her lips as she glared at Tinnu and her troop.

Tinnu had anger flashing through her eyes, and it seemed like she was going to order her friends to attack, but something behind me in the sky caught her attention.

Before Eira or I could look back we heard a loud defening roar fill the air. It was the roar of an evil angry king. I had heard it many times before. My heart began to race in trepidation.

Tinnu suddenly gave me an evil smile and then gave me a quick courteous head bow. "Never mind, my King, thanks for the little talk." She said before leaping up into the bright sky.

Gaelon, was not using his own body as he emerged from around the spire of the Palace. He looked just like my head servant, Arod. But what was even more concerning was that it appeared that he had come from the royal chamber window.

Tinnu let a proud whinny escape her lungs as she flew up to the green dragon. It was hard to see from that distance, but he seemed to have something in his claws as his head turned downward to look at me.

Even with the distance between us, his glowing red eyes made me shiver. Then before I could react to him and Tinnu meeting up, they lead their troop and bolted away from our Palace.

"Tinachris, take a small group and follow them. Make sure they are going back to their damn Valley." I ordered over my shoulder.

The red dragoness flashed her golden wings and nodded. She then bolted back within the Palace. I was sure she was selecting some recruits from the crowd within the door.

"Eira," I turned to my mate with worry showing on my face. I can hide nothing from her. "Did you see where he came from?"

Her blue sapphire eyes suddenly went wide in realization. "My baby!" She shouted. Then we were both jumping into the air.

The fastest way to our chamber from here was the great window, the same one I suspected Gaelon had just left from. Eira was beating her wings frantically, trying to reach the room as fast as possible. She reached it just before I did, landing swiftly inside and rushing toward the bed as she folded her wings.

As I landed in the windowsill I tried to take in all my surroundings at once.

Ruinar was snarling. He apparently had been hit with some sort of freeze spell. In front of him, our cabinet had been raided. The dark magic books I had hidden there obviously ripped out and stollen.


hen Ruinar saw us fly in he had a look of shock and horror on his face. Luckily Soraya was safe under one of his magical shields, which he removed as Eira went for the baby. Baby Soraya seemed oblivious to the danger she had just faced. She smiled and giggled as her mother scooped her up.

Ruinar wiggled his head and tail in frustration. Gaelon's spell had left his body frozen otherwise. Tears began to fill his eyes as he stared up at me. I knew he would be quivering if not for the spell.

"I am so sorry, I... I let him get away with those two books." He cried. After all he had done to get the one book back I am sure he feels terrible.

I could not help but let a deep snarl escape me. Ruinar flinched, but my anger was not directed at him, not really. Gaelon knows just how to get under my skin.

My own bedroom is no longer safe. Gaelon's evil magic can reach anywhere in Angoleth. Now he has more of it. Ruinar is not powerful enough to shield the entire Palace. We are all in danger, now more than ever.

I must think of a way to keep the baby safe, if nothing else. She does not deserve to grow up in a world like this. I will think on that a little later. For now, Ruinar seems to be the one with his pride hurt. Hopefully nothing else is hurt but it's hard to tell when he is frozen.

The sounds of the baby giggling filled the room and it was strange giving the mood of the situation. Eira was satisfied that the baby was not hurt or cursed so she slowly came over toward me, a glare in her normally soft blue eyes.

"Why the hell did you leave Ruinar alone with her? We should have guessed that the Pegasus' were only a distraction. He could have handed her right over to him. She would be dead right now!"

"But she isn't... He protected her instead of himself. Give the poor boy some credit. He cares about us and our daughter more than he cares for his own life." I said defensively. I never thought I would have to correct my own mate in rules of compassion.

Luckily, she backed down and sighed. I think she knows her anger is waisted on Ruinar when our real enemies are flying free.

"My queen, All I need is a little more time. I promise I will find out how to defend us from magic. I will protect this place if it is the last thing I ever do." Ruinar said in a begging voice toward Eira.

My only worry is that it will not be soon enough. Some spells can be used from a long distance. We could be hit without even knowing it.

My fear is building, and not for me.

But there is a place I have heard of that is safe from magic. It is a parallel world called Earth, though the dragons brave enough to go there called it the Common World. A world just like ours with no dragons or mythical creatures. But more importantly, it is a world where magic does not exist.

I only have to do some reading and jog my memory. When Gaelon was king he forbid anyone from learning about the parallel worlds within the universe.

He also hid away the summoning stones that we use to travel there. If I can find the stones hidden in the royal treasury then I will have a kind of magic Gaelon would never figure out.

I remember when we learned about summoning stones in class as whelps. Gaelon and Kram had been laughing and shaking their heads in disapproval. "Why would anyone want to live in a world with no magic?"

If I could hide my daughter there... She would be safe forever. Gaelon would never try to go.

(AN: Hey guys, this chapter took me a little while and I apologize. This story has hit 1K reads and I am so excited!! This chapter finally starts to tie into the story in my book series. For those who have not read the book, I hope it wasn't too confusing. Let me know your thoughts below.)

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