Entry 11: The Great Pale Dragon

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Hello diary,
Yes I am still alive, but today I found myself waking up in hospice, not even remembering how I passed out. I was sore and had a few bloody wounds that had now been wrapped up and healed with magic.

I groaned and looked around the room, trying to see what could jog my memory. Nothing came.

I spotted the golden healer dragon tending to a very pale blue dragon. It took me a moment to realize it was Eira. Eira reminded me of ice or snow. Her blue body scales were so pale they were almost white, giving her the shimmer of an opal.

I always thought she was beautiful and could easily see why Cand had made her his mate. She was also very kind hearted like he was.

Cyra, the golden dragon, had her back to me, but Eira managed to shoot me a faint smile when she noticed me watching.

"Ruinar?... I am glad your awake. Do you remember anything that happened?" She asked softly.

I shook my head dismayed. "I found you out cold and bleeding in the throne room. I hoped you would be alright. It seems Gaelon has used a memory spell on you so you would not remember whatever it is he did."

That figures, now I wouldn't even know if he got what he wanted or not. How hard could it be to extract information from a poor whelp? I sighed and slowly moved closer to the two females.

"Thanks for saving me, but in light of recent events I am not sure if I deserve it. It is all my fault." I started to weep out of my control. "Cand trusted me and I let my father use my kindness against me. He knows about the baby. You should leave and raise that baby far away from here, far away from king Gaelon. I can't stand to see Cand get hurt. You and the baby are more important to him than anything else in Angoleth."

The room fell eerily silent for a brief moment but then the great pale dragon sighed and smiled down at me with softness in her eyes.

"I am not one to run away from my troubles, but this explains why my brother now knows about my pregnancy." Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked down at me. Being this close to her, I could now see her bulging belly, a baby within.

"My mate loves you like a son, so how can I not as well." She said with a grin. "I hope you do not feel like my unborn whelp is more important than you. I will need your help caring for it when it is born. I need you to stick around, okay."

I smiled and nodded. My mentor and his mate we're so brave and strong. I only hope that one day I can be like them and not like the king.

"When is the little one arriving?" I asked anxiously. Eira smiled and looked over to the healer. "That's what I was trying to find out, when you woke up." She said with a faint laugh. "Just do not tell Gaelon I am here, he thinks I am on a mission."

I nodded and stayed quiet, watching as the healer did her work. She used some strange instruments to listen to Eira's belly. I was not sure what it was all for, but she knew what she was doing with them. Suddenly we all could hear a faint heartbeat sound.

"Ahh, there it is. It sounds healthy." Cyra said smiling. "I would say another six months and we will have a baby blue dragon roaming the halls."

Sighs of relief echoed through us all. I was sure glad the baby was healthy, with all the scary missions Eira has been on. The hard part now will be surviving 6 more months with my tyrant father watching her every move.

"Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" The healer asked with excitement. Eira sighed and touched the side of her belly gently with a paw.

"Just healthy and alive is all I ask. If I can have that, I will be the happiest dragon in Angoleth." The wise pale dragon said, letting her soft blue eyes wink at me.

(This drawing is older but I still love it, the golden healer of the Palace, Cyra

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(This drawing is older but I still love it, the golden healer of the Palace, Cyra.)

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