Entry 41: Girl Trouble

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Hello Diary,
Arod had honored my request, for when I woke up the next day there was a small stack of books on my private desk. Although I did not even find them right away since I was busy staring out my bedroom window at the morning sun.

I felt so small and undeserving of all this space. I would have to make sure I use it well for my studies to protect us. At least I had plenty of room to store all my favorite books right here on my own shelves, away from prying eyes in the library.

For once in my life I feel like I am in control of something and it is kinda frightening. It is strange to be able to do whatever I like without asking for permission or the need for watching my back.

By the time I finally found myself in my study instead of admiring my bed chamber, I saw the books on the desk. The desk was huge, and the chair was obviously for an adult dragon. I would feel quite awkward trying to sit in it.

Instead, I hopped up into it and then hopped up onto the top of the desk. From there I could see the rest of the room as well as the books that were left for me.

I was about to open up the first book and start to read when I heard a screeching sound outside my door. It sounded like a female.

Before I could take any guesses as to who or what had made the sound, Almira trotted into my room. Her purple eyes narrowed when she saw me on the desk.

"So it is true. Why am I the last to know you came home?" She snarled at me angrily. Her pale green scales reflected the light that came from my bedroom window beyond.

"Sorry, I just woke up." I replied plainly. Then when I saw her huff in frustration, I felt anger flood into me. I could feel the heat of it as I said, "Besides, you left me in the wrong place. I wanted to go into exile in the desert. You put me in the freaking forest!"

She slumped and lowered her gaze. This time my eyes narrowed on her and I saw her shiver. I think she was afraid of me, or at least my anger.

"I do not really care about that. You are my friend and I do not want to have anger. I am saving that for Gaelon and his new friends." I said confidently, letting a snarl cross my lips at the thought of Gaelon and Tinnu.

Almira started to sob. Then before I could do anything, she rushed over and snatched me up into her arms and was hugging me against her chest as she cried. I could feel some of her tears drip on the top of my head.

"I am sorry I disobeyed you. I was just... afraid you would die in the desert. I knew that in the forest you could at least find food." She pouted as she hugged me.

I don't know what came over me, but I stretched my neck up and kissed her cheek. Her tears tasted salty, but not terrible. I started to lick them off of her cheek tenderly.

"It's okay Almira." I said to her softly, almost a whisper.

She shivered and touched my face so she could admire me close up. Her glittery purple eyes were making me feel kind of dizzy from so close.

"Ruinar, can I tell you something?" She asked me suddenly. I could tell she felt a bit strange, but she was going to make her confession anyway. I gulped but nodded so she could continue.

"I... I have this strong feeling that one day we will be mates. By the time you are old enough I will have recovered from my lost loved ones. You do realize that I only sleep around with males because I am broken inside and it is a fun distraction. I do not care about anyone that I have sex with... The things I feel for you are strange, considering our age difference. But when you are older it won't matter. Dragons live very long lives." She said to me, fighting back more awkward tears.

I felt my face getting hot in embarrassment and was glad that with red scales she would never see me blushing.

"Whoa... Mates?... That is crazy talk. I can't get a mate for another 17 years. Plus, I have no clue where my life will be at that point. You can not force yourself to wait for me. I do not know the first thing about females. Besides, I am dangerous with my magic." I felt my voice raising in uncontrollable anger. I could not help it. I did not want the drama of a girl in my life.

Almira saw the strange gleam in my eyes and was smart enough to back away from me hesitantly. "But if I love you, the wait will be nothing." She said with a shy smile down at me.

I was really glad she did not try to kiss me on the lips. I know she was not far off from trying. Her mind is far to easy to look into. Seeing her thoughts so clearly in my own is always a shock, regardless of my being used to my powers.

"Well, I am home to stay, so if you could please leave me be... I have a lot of reading to do." I told her sternly.

She nodded and took a deep relaxing breathe. She turned around to leave, only looking back to flutter her forest green wings at me tauntingly.

"I would love to take you flying out your window, anytime, just let me know." She said, giving me a flirtatious wink before leaving me to my studying. My mind started having strange wandering thoughts about girls, making it hard to focus.

Damn females, do they always do this to our heads?

Damn females, do they always do this to our heads?

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