The Pegasus Elite

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Cand's POV

As I rushed down the steps I could not help but worry about what they may want. I knew that the former king would send some sort of contact eventually, but to send a small army seems to me like a threat, or a mockery, thinking he can best my army of a hundred dragons with only a handful of Pegasus. I do not know what to think.

At least my two whelps will be far away from any of the action. Poor Ruinar has been through far too much already in his young life. And my daughter, well I want her to stay innocent and free from all this war and dark magic.

The red dragon behind me was right. She was one of my best, and I trusted her abilities. She was right on my tail as we descended the stairs and reached the main hallway then rushed out the door into the courtyard.

I stopped at the base of the stairs and let my eyes adjust to the sunlight. Tinachris stopped beside me and pointed upwards to the west.

"I believe there are four of them. They will come in from that direction. If they do not use any magic you should be able to see them when your eyes adjust. I assume they will land in about two minutes." She informed me confidently.

I nodded and watched the sky eagerly, questions still building in my mind. Surely if they wished for a fight they would try to take the element of surprise. I was sure this was something else.

Soon my eyes spotted the dark forms against the bright blue sky. They were coming this way alright, and fast.

"Tinachris, let the other red dragons know what is going on but make sure they stand down. We do not want to be hostile if they are not here for trouble." I told her. I made sure to show only confidence in my voice and not hesitation.

She blinked her golden eyes and nodded in confirmation. I knew that with red dragons and their mental links with the others, none of my dragons would attack out of line. The reds lead my army because they can keep tabs and look after the others.

I knew she was using her ability to communicate with the others while I watched the dots in the sky draw nearer and nearer.

Suddenly, right beside me, Narek appeared with Eira holding onto her shoulder. Narek gave me a bow in greeting. Eira gave me a look of confusion.

"What is all this about? Where is my baby?"

"She is safe in our chamber. Let's just focus on making this a friendly meeting so we do not need to worry about her safety." I told my mate, trying to get her to focus.

Lately she was not focused on our real enemies. When Ruinar had returned I told her everything I learned about what he had been doing, at least what he had revealed to me. The boy won't even let me read his diary anymore.

Anyway, Eira is focusing her attention on thinking that Ruinar is a spy and traitor to us. She was the one who put those questions in my mind to begin with. But the way he looks at me, I know he would never betray me, not on purpose.

He has love in his heart, and love is the best weapon against evil. It is hard to explain but I believe our loved ones give us strength and courage, making us powerful.

I snapped my attention back to the events around me as more dragons began to gather behind me. Luckily it was only a few.

"Narek, could you please keep everyone else inside. We do not want a huge crowd to gather on the doorsteps," I asked the dragon beside my mate with a grateful smile on my face.

"Sure My Lord, it's my pleasure." She said with another bow, fluttering her earth brown wings. Then she turned around to control the doorway behind us.

Eira snorted as her eyes were drawn to the coming forms. We could see the details of their feathered wings. They would land any second now.

"I do not like this," she whispered to me as she moved to stand at my side. We were a unite, her and I. If we were side by side we could face anything.

I did not have time to reply before the four black forms landed gracefully on the stones in front of us. Their hooves made a clacking sound that almost echoed as everyone watched them in utter silence, wondering what they wanted.

I stepped forward and cleared my throat. The pegasus in the lead turned to look me over as I stepped a bit closer to her group.

"Hello, Welcome to the Palace, home of the Dragons of Angoleth. I am Cand, the King. What can we do for you fine creatures?"

The female stepped forward and flashed her wings at me in warning.

"My name is Tinnu, King Cand. I have magic in my veins and I am not afraid of dragons. My friend back home has had something stolen from him and he would like it back."

I shook my head, already knowing what to respond. "Well, I am not afraid of a Pegasus, or four. The book was taken under my orders, the orders of the king. My adviser confiscated them for me himself." So it might have been a bit of a lie, but it would get Ruinar off the chopping block if they thought I had sent HIM to spy on THEM.

"I do not plan to give them back. Gaelon is a dangerous threat to all the creatures of this land, especially those closest to him. You would be wise to never let him see another dark spell." I added sharply.

I heard a gasp of shock from Tinachris, who had taken the place beside Eira when I stepped forward.

Tinnu did not seem defensive, if anything she was amused. She snorted and flipped her head, making her mane fly around her like an ebony wave.

"Now, now, dragon king. Surely there may be something we might be able to trade for the magic books, at least one perhaps. If we forget about Gaelon, I need to find the magic to revive a recently murdered friend. This is between you and me, not him."

The three other pegasus laughed after she spoke. Their dark features held hauntingly bright colored eyes as they glanced at the dragons in my company.

There is no way I can let these creatures get their hooves on any dark magic. It needs to be diminished, not spread.

"That little clever whelp, he is your Royal adviser?" Tinnu asked with a look of disdain on her long face. I saw the flash of hatred in her glowing eyes.

I gave her a devilish grin. "He is, and you will not get near him ever again. He is under my protection for as long as he is inside these walls."

She gave me an even more evil smile. Her entourage snickered behind her in support.

"Ha, I assure you, that whelp does not need your protection. He is a killer, just like any of us."

Her voice started to ring in my head. As I stood there before them I could not help but think, that the killer was now watching my daughter.

(AN: Bonus chapter guys, Yay! Your Welcome! I love you all! Leave a comment if you have any thoughts about Tinnu, or Eira's attitude toward Ruinar's magic. Thanks for reading.)

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