Entry 28: Pegasus Encounter

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Hello Diary,
So I made it to the base of the Ash Mountains without any incident with wolves, typhors, or dragons. The problem I had now was getting across the mountains without flying. My wings would never lift me off the ground. Maybe if I had some sort of sling shot?

Anyway, I walked along the rocky cliff side hoping to find a canyon or easy climbing spot. I had been walking for hours and could find no way through the huge mountains.

I still did not truly know why I wanted to see the valley on the other side. It was nothing but a giant field of ashes from the wars my father waged on the land. Dragon fire is very difficult to extinguish in a dry pine wood forest. It had been destroyed long before I was born.

All I knew now was that the clan of unicorns lived there. Their life span is shorter than a dragon, so I wonder if they remember what happened to their beautiful forest. Cand remembers, he told me his story about it once. He said it had been a horrible massacre. Many, many unicorns and pegasus died, also many dragons.

Something deep inside is telling me that there is something worth seeing in that valley now named, The Valley of Fear. I wonder if there is a spell that would make my wings bigger. I suppose now I may never know.

I finally came across an area that seemed promising. The rocks looked climbable so I set my sights on my next task.

It was a lot harder than I first thought it would be. My talons slipped and scratched on the rocks instead of digging into them to give me good footing. I wasn't getting very far and my legs were already burning in exhaustion.

I did not hear any noise above me but I saw a dark shadow block out the light of the sun. My heart started to race in sudden fear. If I could not hear it's wing beats then it was not a dragon that flew above me. It had to be something else, and my brain came up with... A Falcon? I was about to find out, because it blocked the sun again. Whatever it was it was coming toward me.

There was no place on this cliff side that I could hide. I was exposed and open, especially from an attack from above. A Thoronian falcon warrior could easily pluck me off the rocks and devour me, maybe take me back to the nest for it's children.

I gulped and tried to blend in with the rocks. I silently cursed my lack of shape shifting abilities to actually turn into the rocks around me. Only advanced dragons like Eira can do things like that. Someday I will, but I am still too young to master such things as shape shifting when my body has not fully grown yet.

I felt a rush of wind around me as the creature came in close. The wind around me felt like a cyclone and then it suddenly subsided and I heard a clicking sound as the creature landed awkwardly on the rocks to my left.

"What have we here? A baby dragon trying to climb a mountain, that is very... Interesting." The voice was a feminine snort. It was not a sound I would expect from a bird.

I heard the clicking sounds again as she shifted. The rocks must be very awkward for her to stand on. My curiosity got hold of me so I turned to get a look at her.

She was not a bird at all, but a Pegasus. Her coat was a solid shinny black from head to tail. Her feet were big and fluffy around her deadly black hooves. She was big and muscled as if she worked hard every day of her life. Her wings were like a huge Raven. Every inch of her screamed of darkness except for her eyes. Her eyes were bright red and seemed to glow as she stared down at me.

"Wow...your a Pegasus." I said, trying to keep fear out of my voice even though her red eyes reminded me of Gaelon and sent chills through me.

She smiled and nodded. She snorted and fluttered her wings a bit in emphasis. "Indeed I am." She answered simply.

"So... Do you live in the Valley of Fear? I was hoping to go there." I said to her bravely.

She snorted and stomped one of her hooves. "What do you seek there?" She asked me casually. She didn't really answer my question.

I shrugged in reply. "I don't really know. I just needed to get away from other dragons. My magic is dangerous. I would not blame you for avoiding helping me."

There was silence for a while after I spoke as she looked me over silently. I did not know much about pegasus, but I am pretty sure that they can not mind read like me. I did try to look into her thoughts, but her mental blocks were very complex and impenetrable.

"You are the one Gaelon spoke of. You are... His son?" She asked me suddenly.

"You know my father?" I asked in return. If she did I had to know what she knew about him, about the others.
She nodded and gave me a wary smile. "He is staying with us in our Valley. He has helped my clan grow stronger. He is kind to us, shares his gifts with us. He says he is making up for what he did to us in the past. Gaelon has been a savior to my people since you dragons tried to kill him. You better not try to take that away from us."

I could not help but have a look of utter shock on my face. Was she talking about the same Gaelon who terrorizes everything he sees?

"Maybe you could use the help of another dragon? I can do magic. I have no need to take him from his new home, just maybe help me convince him to let me stay as well."

Her eyes narrowed down on me. "Why?"

I shrugged. "He is the only one who can teach me more magic." That answer was more honest than I want to admit.

The pegasus looked me over again and then shrugged. Without any warning she took my neck into her mouth and toss me up onto her back in one swift gesture. The next thing I know, I am holding on for dear life as she shoots up into the sky. My talons dig into her flesh, causing her to whinny in shock but she does not flinch. She only flaps her huge black birdlike wings and takes us up above the mountains.

Now I can see the dark ashen valley beyond the great mountain range. It sends a chill down my spine as my mount turns and banks straight for the barren wasteland. The sight of it must send excitement through her cause she started to fly faster and faster toward it.

My heart began to race for a whole new reason. My father, I was going to see him again after what I did to him. This may or may not have been a wise decision on my part...

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