Chapter 4

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Gio slouched further in his chair, rested an elbow on the glass dining table

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Gio slouched further in his chair, rested an elbow on the glass dining table. They finished their dinner and now ate dessert. It took Ava ages to finish her chocolate mousse cake when she normally would be done by now. She just couldn't stop thinking about the Council and the twins and if Marc convinced his grandfather at all.

The twins shouldn't be here. It's too dangerous. Gregori knows this, they all do, and yet, none of them care.

"They look a lot like Marc." Gio cut through Ava's thoughts. He stared at his tablet's screen, the glow of the twins' profiles lit up his face. "Are you sure they're just his cousins?"

Their mom, Caterina, took out her tea strainer and stirred the citrus fragrance around. "It's possible it could be a family trait. I've been told I look more like my cousins than a few of my siblings. Not that I'm complaining."

Her voice was smooth like the way she cut through her pie and let no crumb tarnish her lips as she took a clean bite.

Caterina was a full-fledged immortal. Like those born after the war started, she stopped aging the day of her twenty-first birthday. She was so wise and vibrant, always wearing sundresses in the summer and bright coats in the fall. And just like her voice, her silky brown hair fell over her shoulder in waves, effortlessly against her desert sand skin.

Gio was lucky to have inherited all of her beauty. Ava was envious.

Outside of eating, Caterina was always graceful, walking and speaking in a way that showed she came from an elite background. When Ava was younger, she used to mimic Caterina's movements, but it took a strict discipline and more self-control than she had.

Now Ava dipped her spoon straight into the glass canister with the blunt force of a soldier and stuffed the pudding cake into her mouth. "Well, don't get attached to them. Marc went home to talk to his grandfather, so they might not be coming at all."

"You mean, you told Marc to go home and ask," Gio said, clearly not liking what he just heard. "Dude, I have high doubts their grandfather is gonna listen to what he has to say when he rarely goes home as is."

"That's because he doesn't want to be the Crown Prince—"

He smacked the tabletop, the dishes rattled. "And that doesn't matter. He'll always be the Crown Prince until he's crowned king. He has duties and responsibilities to uphold. He shouldn't be staying on Earth this much. Or looking after you."

Ava narrowed her eyes. "You make it sound like I'm some child."

"Or maybe it's time for you to let him go." Gio settled back in his chair. "He can't marry you, so it's better to just move on."

She has liked Marc for ten years. Since the moment Ava first fell off the tree in the garden and landed on top of him, their fates were intertwined. It didn't matter that they were eight years apart, these feelings wouldn't stop.

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