Chapter 37

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"Ava, where are you!"

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"Ava, where are you!"

Gio. Is that you? Ava reached out. Brother.

Blurry figures ran towards the wall, Gio in the lead, thermal goggles covered his eyes. He ran as fast as he could, but when the twins popped up, Marc blocked her view.

Marc unsheathed his long sword and stabbed it into the ground. Black vines flared from the blade like a fire engulfing a field, snapping at whoever got too close. This was the curse mark of the Crown Prince—the dark art of manipulating the shadows into whatever plant he conjured.

Branches crawled over the barrier and blocked out the sun, but with so many thorns they couldn't possibly block out all the light. He looked back once they were covered under his protection. "I was hoping I didn't have to kill anyone else. But since you had to mess everything up, you've left me no choice."

No. Why does everyone have to die for me! Her heart clenched when she spit blood onto the grass. The spell absorbed it, consuming it whole, and for a split second, she imagined it doing the same to her body.

The winter air steamed into heat, baking them slowly within an oven. Marc wiped the sweat from his forehead and frantically searched the perimeter. A spot burned through the veins, and through the opening, a fiery white falcon flew high in the clouds.

That was the ability to control a sun's spirit. There were only two beings Ava knew who had this ability—Caterina and Gio.

The falcon's flaming wings engulfed the sky and rose far above the dome. Its body was so massive it blocked out the sun. It cried a horrendous scream, cracking the crust beneath the spell's solid glass base. Marc swiftly wrote out the character for barrier in quick movements as a surge of electricity spiked their hairs.

Ava prayed to the stars for salvation on her mom's soul.

The sun's own flames doused the earth, burned through the dirt and black vines, shattered the first barrier and then the second. It was so hard to breathe. Her entire body shook like she'd be ripped apart. The air stank of molten lava and burnt toast. While others feared Caterina's power, Ava strived to be at her level of greatness.

But it still wasn't enough.

Caterina collapsed to one knee. She used everything she had. Scorched marks sizzled across the entire terrain, smelling of charred remains, and yet the spell was intact. Not even a sun could take it down. If Mom can't destroy this, then can a reaper really help me?

Marc stood with only a few healing burned scars and singed hair. The curse mark crawled on his arm, wrapped his sword. He was getting serious if he was using the full strength of that curse.

Struggling, Caterina clutched her arm. Her silk robe was in shambles, torched at the sleeves with smoke wafting off her hands. When she limped towards Marc, she stumbled forward, landing face first into Gio's shoulder.

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