Chapter 22

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Ava stared at things

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Ava stared at things. The ceilings smooth slate metal. The changing of the sun as it fell and rose. The red roses as their petals withered to the coffee table. You'd think staring at those flowers would make her cry, but it didn't. She felt numb. She waited for death.

Her phone buzzed on the nightstand, vibrating like an annoying cockroach skittering across the wood. She ignored it, wished it away. The buzzing stopped. Then started up again as if its whole purpose in life was to give her a rude wake-up call. Ava squirmed around in the comforter, detangling and tangling until one arm was free.

Slowly, she pressed the phone to her ear. Chatter and movement clouded the background. Life still went on in the outside world, no matter how broken Ava felt on the inside. There was a sigh before Josh's snarky voice. "Stop being mopey."

Ava mumbled into the pillow, "I'm not being mopey."

"Are you kidding me? You've been in that bed since yesterday. Yesterday. You even skipped dinner. You never skip dinner."

The mere mention of food had her stomach growling. "I'm regretting it now."

"Just don't go back to your old ways. Promise me," Josh said. There was more movement in the background, shuffling and someone cursed about their back. It took Josh a moment to realize she hadn't responded. "Ava."

"Would it matter if I did? I can't control my abilities. I can't find my missing birth record. I'm a joke. A clown wearing the mask of a general who thought she had a chance with a crown prince." She bitterly laughed. "What was I thinking?"

"I should've intervened when you were a kid."

"It wouldn't matter. I would have still fallen for him."

Finally, silence—a rarity in their case. Josh and Ava were never quiet around each other. Heck, they used to drink together. She rolled onto her other side, untangling altogether from the safety of the cocoon. She basked in the cold and immediately missed Marc's warmth. She'd cry from the thought, but her eyes dried up hours ago.

"Hey! Why are you punks just standing... You're done? Already?" Josh said. "Ava, I gotta go. We're moving everyone's stuff over to the house, and you're up next. So get up."

He ended the call before she could protest. You can't be serious. That's a triple whammy to my already messed up life.

God, her head hurt—eyes were swollen and dry. It felt like the world beat her down. She meandered towards the bathroom. It took little to no effort to open the drawer. Little to no effort just to blink. Out of all the things she forgot back at home, the headache medicine had to be one of them. Today was not her day.

After slamming the drawer shut, she pulled on a robe and mentally prepared for the worst. Questions from the peanut gallery. An angered Gio, possibly threatening Marc, possibly turning into a fight. And Marc would win, he always did, leaving Gio with shame and another broken heart.

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